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Pages: 1 2
Well it does
very good ike, thank you for that
you should have been a brain surgeon.
Talk about things that go without saying...
Hi M...Get the hint yet? :fuckoff:
SHHHHH SLUGGO!!! You're gonna fuckin roon it. DEEK! :roflmao:
Hi Sinead! :bouncer:
Hi "M"...
Go the fuck away...
It's ok sluggo, he can stay, cause he makes like a bazillion dollars a year. Right Sinead?
M is for the money you gave her
O is for the opening of her legs
M is for the mean way she kicked you
M is for the moron you are
Because "IT" can only read...Not answer...
:burnfucker: :firebounce: :burnfucker: :firebounce: :burnfucker:
hey wait a minute, does this mean someone actually thought i had a good idea? woohoo :firebounce:

um, nice of you to tell me Rolleyes
okay, Stalker pose Mav with Kung Fu grip just emailed me a nasty little letter again. Man, this guy is just another fuckin message board skizo. Another "I have a life" reply from an ass eater. I guess he and PB went to the same class on Internet For Dummies or How To Win Friends and Beg for People To Like You.
Go live your life away from me.
I have allowed this lowly ass fucker to reply to the cell 2. Let WB's Offical spokesman say his peace how we all suck and how we are brainwashed and shit.

Yes, CRX, it was a brilliant idea on your part! :thumbs-up:
Oh good, I can't wait to hear him tell us how much we suck. Rolleyes

He's got nothing. NEver has, never will. Fucking bore.
Quote:Hey mAn, I want to read. I wont post. I know it would just mean trouble. You dicks just make me laugh. If the truth wont work...... Kill yourself. Peace.

here is one of my favorite emails from our dear friend Mav. I had a hard time decoding it, but I am taking it as he doesn't think all that highly about me.

Edited By Sean Cold on April 26 2002 at 7:03
I'm pondering what is this truth of which is his referring to.
Is there an official "I've finally arrived at this great site" / "I'm leaving this stupid site" post or twenty from Lent at that site?
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