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Quote:also is light years better than this lame ass place.
::catches breath::
Gee, that's great. Now go about your misreable life spouting SA catchphrases like you've been doing for the last few weeks and have fun. Tell your Goth Sloth I said "ByeBye" too.
I just noticed a patern, every time some one gets ripped on, they always fall back on the same lame ass reply: This place sucks, we are a rip off, we suck, I like the 100 boards I post on better. Maybe if he wasn't busy fuckin the fat slobby goth cunt he likes to frequent, he would finally come up with something with a little more umph behind it.
Quote:Tell your Goth Sloth I said "ByeBye" too.
That is fucking hilarious.
Quote:and all the girls who i take pics of say its ok.
Are you 100% sure of that asshole? Are you POSITIVE?
I have never really had a problem with anybody here, but this is the most childish and egotistical bullshit I have ever read on any of these boards. Good riddance.
Holy Shit!
Here ye Here ye.
If danked has a bad word to say, you know that's not good things.
MY goodness gracious...
I was thinking the very same thing myself...

did i just see a seph post? or do i just really need to get some sleep? let me know tomorrow...

ok... everybody sit down... i have seen teh funney & it's on Lent's home for wayward spam...
A "cold day in hell" is probally the most stupid message board
in memory. It is very cliquish and childish. Be rest assured i wont post there
anymore. Certain moderators tend to take their jobs a bit too seriously and are total geeks
its sickening.It makes more tolerable. *gasp*
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
oh wait... there's more... :roflmao: :roflmao:
there is this disclaimer there as well...
Quote:Important shit
If you have your image
up here and you dont
want it up for any reason. I will remove it
No questions asked.
...unless you are "gaynerd".
Edited By FNMoron on April 27 2002 at 7:09
you actually went to his site? how high were you?
Edited By HedCold on April 27 2002 at 7:10
yes HC... quite like a train wreck, i felt compelled to look.... plus, i've been at places where said fuck nugget was snapping pictures... so it's possible that he might have pictures of me or people i know, that would rather those pictures not be posted...
A "cold day in hell" is probally the most stupid message board
in memory. It is very cliquish and childish. Be rest assured i wont post there
anymore. Certain moderators tend to take their jobs a bit too seriously and are total geeks
its sickening.It makes more tolerable. *gasp*
its not a cliche, but to say it is childish
considering that is invite only, I wonder where one would get the inclination that it would be filled with cliques?
My point exactly...
He was invited into the clique...
And we all know there's only two people that ever get away with posting the "Post something interesting" threads...
I mean...
To get all fucking pissy because he was busted on...
Too thin skinned for this place...
Quote:considering that is invite only, I wonder where one would get the inclination that it would be filled with cliques?
If it's not like their Sesame St. World, it must have that "awful" clique
Quote:A "cold day in hell" is probally the most stupid message board
in memory. It is very cliquish and childish. Be rest assured i wont post there
Eh... give it 5 days.
Quote:And we all know there's only two people that ever get away with posting the "Post something interesting" threads...

Quote:Important shit
If you have your image
up here and you dont
want it up for any reason. I will remove it
No questions asked.
...unless you are "gaynerd".
I feel so important. :bouncer:
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