I vvvvant tooo suckkkk ya blllloooooddddddd.............Mwhaahhahahahahahahahahaaaa
Edited By LunaBabe on April 26 2002 at 12:10
thats so hot luna!
Isn't he just the cutest? I think I want to marry him and have his children. :loveya:
those would be some mested up babies
What ever do you mean, Queen Amy? {:o}
that guy has a fuckistring hanging from his glasses
Ssssstop! :pissed: Stop picking on my future husband and father of my children! He's very sensitive.
Hey luna before you tie the knot with that guy can I bite you?:bouncer:
Quote:Isn't he just the cutest? I think I want to marry him and have his children.
it's the Wolf teeth right?
It must be the teef, Ladi. That's what it must be.
Just looking at this stuff gives me a sugar rush...... :crackhead:
![[Image: box1230.jpg]](http://theimaginaryworld.com/box1230.jpg)
"Because it's always got to be the blood. Blood is life. That's why we drink it." :thumbs-up:
Should that goth vampire chicks beware of Lent?
stay away from my vampires ken
sorry I wasn't paying attention after I heard "I vant to suck......"
![[Image: cefleming.jpg]](http://www.katyberry.com/Vampires/ce/cefleming.jpg)
open wide.......and shut your mouth.