ok, when did it become vouge to smell all natural?
If we were meant to fuckin stink, there would not be the little inventions called soap, deoderant, the shower and shampoo. I just noticed of late that the general public is lacking one or all of the components that make up proper hygine.
I just don't fuckin get it. Is this some way to harken back on the cave man days? How does one not know they are fuckin ripe? How do they not notice the flys that have been hovering around them? Is being clean that much of a damned chore that poeople now just ignore it like one ignores emails from Mav?
I think I am going to go disenfect my clothing for it has gather the stench of the outside world. I may become a shut in just to save my nose the disaster of having to be burned out by stench.
Even if I'm not leaving the house...
Gotta wash the stink off every day.:fart:
Yea fuck those smelly Jews and Blacks!
Let me guess....you took a ride on a subway today?
Quote:I just don't fuckin get it. Is this some way to harken back on the cave man days?
Unga Bunga??
I just can't imagine how these fuckers can't notice they fuckin reek. I was just in the store buying my lotto (hey, I had five bucks and a few dreams) and there was this Catholic School girl no more than 14 in front of me. The bitch stunk. Not a mildly pussy funk either, I mean full blown harsh BO. The plastic flowers in front of her on the counter wilted and died.
Quote:The bitch stunk. Not a mildly pussy funk either, I mean full blown harsh BO
You just randomly sniffed a 14 year old girl's pussy?? You are my hero!
Quote:How does one not know they are fuckin ripe? How do they not notice the flys that have been hovering around them?
But.... but..... you said you liked the way my fish cave curled your nose hairs! :disappointed:
The bitch stunk. Not a mildly pussy funk either, I mean full blown harsh BO
You just randomly sniffed a 14 year old girl's pussy?? You are my hero!
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
sean, maybe people stopped showering cuz of the drought. i shower everyday, sometimes twice a day, i don't smell.
Quote:twice a day, i don't smell.
What could you possibly be doing during the day that would cause you to get THAT dirty? Seriously, I don't mean :blow:
hehe ladi, durring the summer i shower in the morning and then again at night, not usually in the winter.
but i definitely shower after :fucking:
Quote:but i definitely shower after :fucking:
Wow, so you must shower like 5 times a day then. {:o}
Quote:Wow, so you must shower like 5 times a day then. {:o}
well, not everyday, most days!!
When the fuck are we going to Fortunoff's????
you wanna fuck at fortunoff's? i just said that there's a miget working there, which is always funny!! how about rockaway bedding??
Quote:how about rockaway bedding??
How about the studio console?
hey, that's my secret place!!
Then how about the cot?
what cot? it could work, but rockaway bedding is sooooo much hotter
Wow, I can't not believe my smelly people thread turned into a hook up party for Maynard and CT.
Will the wonders ever ceaste to keep my in a constant state of befuddlement?
I hope you both get the clap. Ones a whore, the other a post whore. A match made in CDIH heaven I gather.
Fuckheads. :complain:
do i sense some jealousy sean???????? :fuckoff: