My Ladi did not come home last night........
Does anyone know who she's sleeping with now???!!!
Wasn't me...:disappointed:
Are all the cats in the Trailer Park scratchin at one door?
Wasn't me, either. {

No, I was busy feeling sorry for myself... {

How do you think most men find themselves in her clutches?
Quote:How do you think most men find themselves in her clutches?
gee ya think it could be how she sneeks up behind them whacks them over the head with a cinderblock she took from under one of the trailers corners?
Fucking bitch,
why must you do this,
You lead me on with promises of bondage games,
and when I was ready for you,
you leave me for the pig.
It took hours to pull the nails free from the bedposts.
how is it that Wilbur gets laid more than I do? damn that animal magnetism of his......I don't even get his leftovers anymore.
And why do I have a $3000 charge on my credit card for airline tickets, hotels and a place called "Wooshoo house of pain" in Reno?
grumpy just made my list hey where's the fucking shooter smiley thingamabob
Quote:grumpy just made my list
Which list it? cuz I'm kinda picky about lists I belong to. If it's the
- Next in line for anal from you? no thanks. I'm still under medication from the time with Ken's sister.
- Get wow'ed by Crx - been there, done that, got the t-shirt.....
- Most likely to kill arpi? definitely. top of the list.
She cares nothing for my pain,
just a drunken wenches quest to have the final say in every thread.
you forgot this one grump.
next one up for the job of ticket taker for guys who violate your mom.
there was no such tshirt! and yes, fuck, ken is actually right, i had a dream, and just like that, it all went byebye at once, but it was mine for a few fleeting moments and i shall remember it always. as for the wows, um, you ain't seen shit...

oh, and i'm sure their should be a possesive ' in that wench's wenche's wenches'? i just don't know where :helpme: