04-28-2002, 11:20 PM
04-28-2002, 11:55 PM
Ah to be a kid again.
04-29-2002, 01:02 AM
Quote:Ah to be a kid again.its overated
(i know you were all waiting to say "fbd, comment?)
04-29-2002, 01:24 AM
Kids, in general, these days have too many freedoms and too many "rights". They are, for the most part, not expected to behave properly. The "experts" say to give them freedom, be their "friend", not their parent, don't discipline, etc.
My son is pretty much well-behaved everywhere EXCEPT at home...and that's mostly because he knows I will not tolerate being embarrassed by him and would not hesitate to take him home.
I just finished reading a great book, "Back in Control -- How to Get Your Children to Behave" by Gregory Bodenhamer. It deals with how kids have gone downhill recently and gives interesting theories and insights as to WHY. It also gives ways to get back in control. It was very interesting...even if it doesn't really have anything to do with this thread.
My son is pretty much well-behaved everywhere EXCEPT at home...and that's mostly because he knows I will not tolerate being embarrassed by him and would not hesitate to take him home.
I just finished reading a great book, "Back in Control -- How to Get Your Children to Behave" by Gregory Bodenhamer. It deals with how kids have gone downhill recently and gives interesting theories and insights as to WHY. It also gives ways to get back in control. It was very interesting...even if it doesn't really have anything to do with this thread.

04-29-2002, 01:27 AM
Kids having kids, on the next Maury...
04-29-2002, 01:41 AM
I hate getting serious, but here we go:
My kids fear me, love me, and respect me in no particular order. However, I also have to realize that they're not pets or trained dogs. I do my best to keep them under control, and I am VERY conscious of respecting other people's rights to enjoy themselves. I do sit in an aisle seat, and flank them with two adults, and take them to the bathroom first, and tell them that if they talk loudly we'll leave (and mean it). When you go to a kids movie, and don't want to be bothered by kids, go after their bedtime, or move when a kid bothers you. There is nothing that will get a parent more irritated than to have a complete stranger, or even a loved one, reprimand or offer unsolicited advice on how you should treat your own kids.
My kids fear me, love me, and respect me in no particular order. However, I also have to realize that they're not pets or trained dogs. I do my best to keep them under control, and I am VERY conscious of respecting other people's rights to enjoy themselves. I do sit in an aisle seat, and flank them with two adults, and take them to the bathroom first, and tell them that if they talk loudly we'll leave (and mean it). When you go to a kids movie, and don't want to be bothered by kids, go after their bedtime, or move when a kid bothers you. There is nothing that will get a parent more irritated than to have a complete stranger, or even a loved one, reprimand or offer unsolicited advice on how you should treat your own kids.
04-29-2002, 01:44 AM
Blah Blah Blah
Teach your kids some fucking manners. That's all it takes.
Teach your kids some fucking manners. That's all it takes.
04-29-2002, 01:46 AM
Ah Fuck it. Im never getting serious again. :bouncer:
04-29-2002, 01:53 AM
Quote:There is nothing that will get a parent more irritated than to have a complete stranger, or even a loved one, reprimand or offer unsolicited advice on how you should treat your own kids.
This is soooo true. Even if it's the most well-meant advice, there's nothing that pisses a parent off more.
04-29-2002, 02:41 AM
Quote:Teach your kids some fucking manners. That's all it takes.
Bingo. Simple as that.
04-29-2002, 06:28 PM
Not this has to do with the movies but it is an example of this
In my little cousins grammar school 2 weeks ago, a 5th grade boy was given 3 days detention or ICE , whatever the fuck they call it, by a substitute teacher for exposing himself in class, performing an act on himself and wiping the remnants of this act on another little 5th grade girl in his class. What did this little shits parents do? Come up to school complaining saying that their childs rights were violate because he should be able to do with his body what he wants. He should be able to EXPRESS himself. They are possibly pressing charges against the school.
I'm sorry, but what kind of fucking wacko do you have to be to think that having your 5th grade aged son wipe his cum on another child is OK?? Most parents have no balls and want no part of making rules. Saw it personally this weekend @ a horse auction. 2 bitches didnt hold their childs hands while I walked out 10 mth old 900lb horses and bitched about keeping the horses away from their kids. Hey how about you stop being lazy c*nts and tame your 2 legged beasts to want to listen to you.
UGHH,..I mean, good job to those people who can manage kids right and all,.....but christ, some people should be banned from being able to reproduce.
Edited By SexxyNette on April 29 2002 at 2:37
Quote:Kids, in general, these days have too many freedoms and too many "rights". They are, for the most part, not expected to behave properly. The "experts" say to give them freedom, be their "friend", not their parent, don't discipline, etc.
In my little cousins grammar school 2 weeks ago, a 5th grade boy was given 3 days detention or ICE , whatever the fuck they call it, by a substitute teacher for exposing himself in class, performing an act on himself and wiping the remnants of this act on another little 5th grade girl in his class. What did this little shits parents do? Come up to school complaining saying that their childs rights were violate because he should be able to do with his body what he wants. He should be able to EXPRESS himself. They are possibly pressing charges against the school.
I'm sorry, but what kind of fucking wacko do you have to be to think that having your 5th grade aged son wipe his cum on another child is OK?? Most parents have no balls and want no part of making rules. Saw it personally this weekend @ a horse auction. 2 bitches didnt hold their childs hands while I walked out 10 mth old 900lb horses and bitched about keeping the horses away from their kids. Hey how about you stop being lazy c*nts and tame your 2 legged beasts to want to listen to you.
UGHH,..I mean, good job to those people who can manage kids right and all,.....but christ, some people should be banned from being able to reproduce.
Edited By SexxyNette on April 29 2002 at 2:37
04-29-2002, 06:36 PM
Quote:some people should be banned from being able to reproduce.
im feeling some hostility nette :confused:
04-29-2002, 06:37 PM
While I don't have children, I hate them and have to agree. People want to give children too much responsibility and freedom. I was raised like that and as anyone can see, it's wasn't the way to go. Parents are too afraid of punishing their children because a) they don't want to lose the love of their child and b) they don't want to be the authority figures they hated growing up so they decide to make everything be free and liberal- let the children have everything. Spare the rod and spoil the child where the child wants to be mothered his/her entire life. They don't want to leave home after college because they know they can go home for free room, board and food and the parents won't kick them out, they continue the spoiling letting us become weaker and weaker generation after generation.
Anyway, back to the youths, if something goes wrong it's easier for the parents to blame society than to blame themselves. Society is wrong for challenging their methods of parenting which is, in many cases, WRONG!! An example, other than sexy's, is Maury. I was watching the Maury show a couple of days ago and they had these parents on who had this 7 year old who was 200 pounds and didn't see a problem because the entire family was overweight and it was the child just being a kid. This is a perfect example of when RULES AND ORDER IN PARENTING ARE NEEDED SO YOUR STUPID KID DOESN'T AFFECT MY LIFE AND ENJOYMENT.
Yes, not everyone should be allowed to breed but who's going to be the person to really go up in front of Congress and propose a limit on giving birth to children?
Edited By IkeaBoy on April 29 2002 at 2:46
Anyway, back to the youths, if something goes wrong it's easier for the parents to blame society than to blame themselves. Society is wrong for challenging their methods of parenting which is, in many cases, WRONG!! An example, other than sexy's, is Maury. I was watching the Maury show a couple of days ago and they had these parents on who had this 7 year old who was 200 pounds and didn't see a problem because the entire family was overweight and it was the child just being a kid. This is a perfect example of when RULES AND ORDER IN PARENTING ARE NEEDED SO YOUR STUPID KID DOESN'T AFFECT MY LIFE AND ENJOYMENT.
Yes, not everyone should be allowed to breed but who's going to be the person to really go up in front of Congress and propose a limit on giving birth to children?
Edited By IkeaBoy on April 29 2002 at 2:46
04-29-2002, 06:50 PM
Oh Snuka I wasnt refering to you at all dearie {:p} , either being the reproducer or the reproduced. Although you do have some odd..........nah I wont go there.
But I do think you should be nominated to go to Congress and propose the idea of banning unfit people to reproduce.
On a more serious note
Ok enough babbling and to get back on topic,......the kids kick your seat, kick em back.
But I do think you should be nominated to go to Congress and propose the idea of banning unfit people to reproduce.
On a more serious note
Quote:propose a limit on giving birth to children?The limit not being the amount of children one can have, although those ya-hoos down south that have a million wives need to keep their junk in their pants, but the limit pertaining to those who are unfit. But I guess this isnt that serious a note, cause that would never happen, cause who is to say one person is an unfit parent compared to another. You get into the whole personal/or religious belief thing and you could never actually make certain people be banned from not having kids or anything remotely close to that. Like I think that the people who believe that God fixes everything arent taking care of their kids 100%. The kids get sick or life threateningly hurt and "oh no no no, no Dr.'s cause God will do whats right."
Ok enough babbling and to get back on topic,......the kids kick your seat, kick em back.
04-29-2002, 06:55 PM
By limit i meant limiting the people with the right to give birth, not the amount of children per person. I knew what you meant and agree with it but what is 'fit' and 'unfit' opens a whole new can of worms.
I also agree with taking children away from people on welfare who have more children after being put on welfare.
I also agree with taking children away from people on welfare who have more children after being put on welfare.
04-29-2002, 07:33 PM
When I go see a movie that will be dominated by kids (like Ice Age), I go after hours...go to the late show. When that isn't possible, or if I go see a mixed age movie (Scorpion King) I just sit in my seat, and see who is sitting down around me as it happens...if a lot of kids move into my "area" I am not against getting up and moving my seat...but I do believe that parents (some, not all) are afraid of their kids, and being the bad person for diciplining them. If they dicipline their child, the child will not love them anymore and things at home will become difficult. Children need to learn dicipline, and that life isn't fair, because more and more, children are going away to college and entering the work force with no knowledge of this because they are pampered all their lives by their parents, and at school, because god for bid a child get detention or suspended from school for thier actions, that would make sense.
sorry, um, i am just gonna go to all 10pm shows from now on
sorry, um, i am just gonna go to all 10pm shows from now on
04-29-2002, 07:44 PM
here is a great idea the theaters came up with....i usually go to general cinemas in the clifton commons. they let the little fucks have birthday parties there!!!
04-29-2002, 08:34 PM
Quote:they let the little fucks have birthday parties there!!!
Been there already. We went to see Monsters Inc. An afternoon showing i believe. Well anyway we pick our seats 2 rows infron of some children with some adults. So we think ok we are safe from any shit. Well a "parent" comes up too us and asks us if we could move our seats to another row since the seats we were in were "RESERVED" dor a birthday party. So being a fairly nicce guy and i really didn't want to be near a party we moved BEHIND this so called party. Well right before the movie starts a shit load of kids decide NOT to sit in those "RESERVED" seats and decide to sits fucking next to us 2 rows behind the fucking adults. See this is why i hate fucking kids.
04-29-2002, 09:12 PM
Reserving a movie theater for a birthday party isn't a new thing at all. I just think that if they do that the parent should pay for the entire theater and outsiders shouldn't be allowed in or should be alerted what they're paying for.
04-29-2002, 09:47 PM
I totally fucking agree Ikea