if you wanna see stupid fucking parents that hbo thing with the raver dad is on. why can't tv be used as evidence to arrest someone? he should be beaten.
I wish I had HBO :confused: I miss all the cool stuff like the Bellevue show and now the dad....
You can't really blame the kids for being brats, blame their parents. Kids will act like brats if you allow them to, and they won't if you don't, simple as that. Lots of parents use the stupid excuse, oh they're kids, they don't know any better. Well no shit sherlock, they don't know any better cause you didn't teach them. No child is too young to have some manners and learn to respect the people around them. If you see a kid that acts like a little shit, you act pretty much guarantee that at least one of their parents is still acting the same way, even though they are supposed to be the grownup. The stupid thing is, they think their kids will love them so much more because they don't discipline them, and they are their 'friends', but guess what? When no one wants to be around the kid because they're so obnoxious, and when the kid is 25 and can't take a shit with out mommy there to wipe his ass, he won't be saying thank you.
you need a license to drive a car
you need a license to fly a plane
but you don't need a license to be a parent even though the consequences of fucking up as a parent are far more dangerous than fucking up as a pilot.
Quote:if you wanna see stupid fucking parents that hbo thing with the raver dad is on. why can't tv be used as evidence to arrest someone? he should be beaten.
I'm not sure if it's the same HBO special, but this morning on the news the authorities were looking into charging a dad featured on the HBO special. He was filmed doing ecstasy with his 13 year old son. Only in California.....:disappointed:
Quote:I'm not sure if it's the same HBO special, but this morning on the news the authorities were looking into charging a dad featured on the HBO special. He was filmed doing ecstasy with his 13 year old son. Only in California.....
One and the same HBO special kindred. God loves HBO!:-D
At least let her follow you home before you punch her in the face.
Learn from the master.
"It takes a man to beat a woman, it takes balls. © Irish Alkey 2002
jesus christ
Quote:jesus christ
Oh shut up, you're just pissed he's not punching you anymore. :punch:
yes your right wow you saw right through me. im so embarassed
Quote:yes your right wow you saw right through me. im so embarassed
Maymay's psychic. Didn't you know that?
i dont know if im more disturbed that you refer to youself in thirdperson, or that you call youself maymay
Ain't that some shit, she is disturbed by Maynard. Now I do think I may have read everything. I am dumbfounded by this development.
But, in her defense, I am disturbed by Maynard as well.:firebounce:
Quote:There is nothing that will get a parent more irritated than to have a complete stranger, or even a loved one, reprimand or offer unsolicited advice on how you should treat your own kids.
That's a great point Silera. When my daughter was around 2, all of us went to breakfast at a local diner, which wasn't anything out of the ordinary at that time. Anyway, she was really acting out that morning for some reason and we asked to be seated in a pretty much isolated booth. Well, she got louder and we began to reprimand her, when I look up and see 3 fucking piece of trailer park trash waitresses in my fucking face telling me not to punish her for being a kid and that she is so cute. Ya know what, in my mind, my kids are the most gorgeous people on earth, but I also know that other people were at that diner to eat, and I know full fucking well if the tables were turned, I'd be seething at those parents to shut their kid the fuck up. Needless to say, we don't really eat at that diner anymore.
As far as kids at movies.....if you're an adult, going to a "G" rated movie, or even a "PG" geared towards kids by yourself.....too fucking bad for you!!! Either grow the fuck up or go
after the time any "normal" parent would bring their kids to a movie. I try not to bring my daughter to any movie that starts after 5:30...simply because I know she'll be so tired by the middle of the movie, she'll be bouncing off the fucking walls halfway through it, in which case...time to go. Sucks for her cuz she doesn't get to see the end of the movie, but I'll be gah damned if I get humiliated by having the only fucking maniac in the theater who can't sit down.
Hey Metal you totally contridicted yourself. You said....
Quote:Ya know what, in my mind, my kids are the most gorgeous people on earth, but I also know that other people were at that diner to eat, and I know full fucking well if the tables were turned, I'd be seething at those parents to shut their kid the fuck up.
So you admitt that you wouldn't want to hear
Someone Elses kid screaming while you eat. The you go on to say this.........
Quote:As far as kids at movies.....if you're an adult, going to a "G" rated movie, or even a "PG" geared towards kids by yourself.....too fucking bad for you!!! Either grow the fuck up or go after the time any "normal" parent would bring their kids to a movie
Why didn't you bring your kid to the diner at a off hour? When you knew she wouldn't bother anyone else. Parents bring their fucking kids to the movies all day and night. I've been to midnight shows with kids running up and down the aisle. If you knew your kid was acting up that morning you should have stayed the fuck home.
Quote:Hey Metal you totally contridicted yourself. You said....
Ya know what, in my mind, my kids are the most gorgeous people on earth, but I also know that other people were at that diner to eat, and I know full fucking well if the tables were turned, I'd be seething at those parents to shut their kid the fuck up.
So you admitt that you wouldn't want to hear Someone Elses kid screaming while you eat.
Conveniently the part about him reprimanding his child was left out. He wouldnt want to hear someone elses kid screaming so he controlled and stopped his own from bothering others. Common courtesy.
The whole movie thing was about kids not being controlled, but had to do with him saying that other ADULT movie go-ers should realize that going to see Shrek means little kiddies will be around so they really shouldnt complain about it.
You dont sit at a diner to watch a movie QUIETLY, you eat,talk whatever. Not really an off time at a diner. Just an off situation maybe where its not crowded and full of the elderly trying to have a quiet meal. You dont go to movies to eat greasy deluxe burgers and fatten yourself up with 3 choclate milkshakes while playing music from the mini jutebox in your booth while sitting around chatting outloud like everyone else is.
Yea i'm bitching so what?!?
Quote:The whole movie thing was about kids not being controlled, but had to do with him saying that other ADULT movie go-ers should realize that going to see Shrek means little kiddies will be around so they really shouldnt complain about it.
I saw Shrek and we had a 4 year old with us. Hmmmm.... We had no problems with her.
Quote:You dont sit at a diner to watch a movie QUIETLY, you eat,talk whatever
Right you dont...But you also dont wanna hear a kid screaching while you eat. Your out trying to enjoy yourself. And if there's a uncontrolled kid screaming that tends to ruin your time. It's the same at the movies. If your sitting in a thearter and a kid is desturbing you it tends to piss you off.
Quote:Conveniently the part about him reprimanding his child was left out. He wouldnt want to hear someone elses kid screaming so he controlled and stopped his own from bothering others. Common courtesy.
Thanks for pointing that out Nette...apparently Pat likes to take things out of context.
Quote:Why didn't you bring your kid to the diner at a off hour? When you knew she wouldn't bother anyone else. Parents bring their fucking kids to the movies all day and night. I've been to midnight shows with kids running up and down the aisle. If you knew your kid was acting up that morning you should have stayed the fuck home.
Lets see...where to begin. First, I never
said I bring my kids to the diner, or anyplace else at peak hours, now did I?
Quote:I try not to bring my daughter to any movie that starts after 5:30
Apparently you missed when I said this also, right? I know how my kids are going to behave and I do my best to respect other's right to see a movie, eat...whatever. Also, if my daughter is being really boisterous, we
will stay home instead of going out. Admittedly, sometimes you don't have the choice...in which case she will get taken to the bathroom and spoken to....if that needs to be done more than that.....she's done and brought home. Oh, and by the way....my child deserves the right to a meal, the same as you. Part of parenting is to place your children in this situations to see how they will react and to "parent" them if their behavior is inappropriate. If I keep them at home, as you suggest, then I have a much better chance at raising socially inept kids....ya, I really want that...why don't I just change their names to "Veal" and "Mushroom" and keep them in a box until they're 18 and can go their own way?
Quote:why don't I just change their names to "Veal" and "Mushroom" and keep them in a box until they're 18 and can go their own way?
:roflmao: Can't be much worse than the names Dweezel & Moon Unit
Metal, you're right, people need to respect that kids have a right to go out and enjoy the world too. And no matter what you do, even the most well behaved kid will act like, well..a kid sometimes. Some adults need to learn a little tolerance too. There's nothing worse then going somewhere with a kid, and having people look at them like they just crawled out of a sewer, when the kid didn't even do anything wrong. How is a kid supposed to learn to interact with and respect other people if they are never allowed to be in contact with them. Yeah, it's true that some places are not really appropriate for kids to be, but a g or pg rated movie, or a diner (at any time) isn't one of them. It sounds like you're doing a great job with your two, and I don't think you need to change their names just yet

Conveniently the part about him reprimanding his child was left out. He wouldnt want to hear someone elses kid screaming so he controlled and stopped his own from bothering others. Common courtesy.
Quote:Quote:Thanks for pointing that out Nette...apparently Pat likes to take things out of context.
No i left it out because it has no bearing on you being a hypocrite. You said yourself that you would be mad if a child was making a scene at the diner. Did you or did you not.
Quote:Ya know what, in my mind, my kids are the most gorgeous people on earth, but I also know that other people were at that diner to eat, and I know full fucking well if the tables were turned, I'd be seething at those parents to shut their kid the fuck up.
Well i'll answer for ya You did. It's right there in quotes
Lets see...where to begin. First, I never said I bring my kids to the diner, or anyplace else at peak hours, now did I?
Quote:No you didn'y but you told me to go to the movies during off hours. So if i should then you should too.
Oh, and by the way....my child deserves the right to a meal, the same as you. Part of parenting is to place your children in this situations to see how they will react and to "parent" them if their behavior is inappropriate. If I keep them at home, as you suggest, then I have a much better chance at raising socially inept kids....ya, I really want that...why don't I just change their names to "Veal" and "Mushroom" and keep them in a box until they're 18 and can go their own way? [quote]
That's a bunch of bullshit. Children shouldn't have any rights. Their godamn kids. If your under the age of 18 you shouldn't have rights. They only thing you should do is listen to your stupid parents and do what they tell you to do. If they tell you to be quiet then do it. Next your gonna tell me animals have rights too. No they have the right to be fucking killed eat eatin by humans.
Edited By PatCooper on May 02 2002 at 4:49