Ok today we go to see the Scorpion King. And a bunch of little shits and a guess their dad sit behind us. Well all through the movie one of these bastards kept kicking Kims chair. So at first i'm like well there aint nothin we can do so just forget about it. Then maybe 1/2 hour later the fucker kicks both our chairs!!! Well i turn around and want to kick the 10 year olds ass. And his punk ass father says nothing to kid. Not a damn word. No wonder the kid doesn't know how to act. His father cant even tell his kid to apologize. Maybe it's me but i really hate bratey little punks. God willing i dont kill one at Spider Man next weekend.
it's probably dad's turn to watch the kids, he doesn't want to punish them on "his time". basically there's nothing you can do about it.
personally, i think there should be seperate theatres for adults and kids/adults.
how was the movie??
Try going to see late shows...or go to the movies during the week at night when you know there is school the next day....I went to see Murder by Numbers last night which is rated R, but there were these little girls giggling throughout the whole movie especially when there was any type of sex...I wanted to beat them.
The dad didn't even make eye contact with me when i turned around and said i was gonna kill the fucking kid. If you take your children out you should make sure they behave properly.
As far as the movie goes it was good.
Quote:Try going to see late shows...or go to the movies during the week at night when you know there is school the next day
I cant afford the fucking tickets for night shows. That's why i'm stuck with all the fucking kids during the weekend. Matinee prices! 11.00 bucks for two people.
Quote:I cant afford the fucking tickets for night shows. That's why i'm stuck with all the fucking kids during the weekend. Matinee prices! 11.00 bucks for two people.
Christ that's cheap. in NY it's $10 for 1 person no matter what time/day you go. I haven't found one matinee theater yet near me. Still, of course I'll pay the full price for a midday friday showing of spiderman.
back to the original topic, I hate kids in movie theaters but Scorpion King really is a kiddie movie, it's worse when you see the 5 year olds at flicks like Dogma and Blair Witch
Edited By IkeaBoy on April 28 2002 at 5:02
Quote:Christ that's cheap. in NY it's $10 for 1 person no matter what time/day you go.
I'm in New York.All the thearters here in Staten Island have matinee shows up until 5 p.m. Except for holidays. 5.50 per person. After 5 p.m you pay 10.50 per person. What a fucking rip off!
Like the title of this thread didnt draw my attention! Kinda dissapointed about the content but I highly agree. I do the water trick. I take a cup that is left behind....go to the bathroom fill it with water and saturate 2 seats behind me and 2 seats in front of me.
it works great.
Quote:I cant afford the fucking tickets for night shows. That's why i'm stuck with all the fucking kids during the weekend. Matinee prices! 11.00 bucks for two people.
Few words of advice from someone who used to manage a movie theater:
1. Complain to the manager....they will give you free passes to come back at any time to any movie. Complain about anything that bothers you from the line at the concession stand being too long to the bathrooms being dirty...they're so worried about you not coming back and buying food, they'll give you free passes.
2. Look into ordering VIP tickets to the theater. Lowes and United Artists have tickets you can buy by mail that cost about $5 a piece. They can be used at any time for movies that have been out for 10 or more days, since most theaters don't check ticket stubs, use those to buy tickets for what you're not seeing and then go into what you do want to see.
Quote:back to the original topic, I hate kids in movie theaters but Scorpion King really is a kiddie movie, it's worse when you see the 5 year olds at flicks like Dogma and Blair Witch
Exactly. When I take my kids to the movies, I go to the early Matinee because I know that no matter what I do, they're gonna need to go to the bathroom, or talk, or shuffle around in their seats. What kills me is when people go to kids movies and then expect to watch it in complete silence as if it were Schindler's List. I pay the same amount to get in as everyone else, and I will tell someone who complains to switch seats or fuck off if they don't like it.
Quote:I pay the same amount to get in as everyone else, and I will tell someone who complains to switch seats or fuck off if they don't like it.
If you were sitting behind me today you would have gotten punched in the face. And i dont expect for the kids to sit there in dead silence. Actaully talking doesn't bother me. But when you chair is being kicked from behind and your trying to watch a movie. It's a bit destracting. All i ask is for parents to control their little monsters.
Quote:If you were sitting behind me today you would have gotten punched in the face.
I don't think so.
If you were sitting behind me today you would have gotten punched in the face.
Quote:I don't think so.
I'm serious. Shit like that really pisses me off and i just dont give a fuck at times like that. You could be a fucking gorilla and i would jump over the seat.
Again, nope, don't think so.
Quote:If you were sitting behind me today you would have gotten punched in the face.
Easy there, tiger. At least let her follow you home before you punch her in the face.
Quote:At least let her follow you home before you punch her in the face.
Learn from the master.
"It takes a
man to beat a woman, it takes
balls. © Irish Alkey 2002
how about anyone that has kids and wants to see a movie...drop em off at my house then go see the movie without any hassle
Quote:I don't think so.
You're right...he wouldn't have punched you in the face...I would have. Real parents teach their children manners. I don't mind chit chat and getting up to go to the restroom. The fucking kicking of my seat was the problem. At one point he kicked it so hard it threw me forward. As a parent you should teach your child how to use their manners. If they can't behave rent a fucking video and keep them at home or take them to G rated movies. Just because you have children doesn't mean others without children should have to "tolerate" unruly children! :fuckoff:
Edited By Kim on April 28 2002 at 7:01
Read my post. I didn't say that I let my kids run wild, or kick other people's seats.
And, no I dont think so. Sorry.
Quote:Read my post. I didn't say that I let my kids run wild, or kick other people's seats.
No you didn't. But you did say:
Quote:I go to the early Matinee because I know that no matter what I do, they're gonna need to go to the bathroom, or talk, or shuffle around in their seats
If they need to use the bathroom you should sit them as close to the aisle as possiable. So not to disturb the entire row. And as far as the talking i dont mind like i said before. I'm 29 and i goof on the movie and people sitting around me during the movie. Now shuffling in their seats isn't the same as kicking the seat. But you should let the kids know before you enter the thearter that they shouldn't kick the seats infront of them. That's just parenting. Telling them right from wrong.
And your right i wouldn't punch you in the face i'd knock your fucking kid out.
