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I saw the oil drilling story. I really like Doc's thought also, it made a lot of sense.

Whatever, I don't care. There is no way to force a topic to stay on track. You could delete offending posts, or yell at everyone for derailing it. And the point I was vaguely making was this place is about doing what you want. If people are told not to derail a thread, that is infringing on their right to post "their way." I could be way off, but that's just how it seems to me at this moment. :poopain:
Quote:people talk, conversation changes topics easily...therefore threads go off topic...its not a to slight the thread starter (for the most part) it just happens. it happens in talking conversations and typed ones
Of course it does. And that's never bothered me.

BAH! You fuckers have no idea what I'm trying to say. I suck. Undecided

It's when all the threads just turn into joke fests. There's NO content at all, just "I fucked Grumpy's mom while Maynard and Arpi fucked each other and Sluggo smoked pot out of Spit's big ass and guess who was there, SLASH, yeah he came out to party, but only after the midget and the old man hit on all the little girls". Sounds all too familiar......

Am I guilty of that too? Sure, sometimes. But I never continue that shit for too long, and I don't just post one joke after another. Should there be jokes here? Well of course. Thats what helps keep it light and fun here. But come on, theres no talent scouts here looking for new comediens.
So the moral of the story is, just because you think it's funny, it won't make everyone else laugh...

Are you going to tell us to think before we post :thumbs-up:
Quote:Are you going to tell us to think before we post
Actually, I think thats part of the problem. That idea was always beat into your head over there. I would rather people post without thinking. :lol:

At least that would make things more interesting.
i was just saying what i thought maynard thats all...i completely understand what you are saying (and seph said it best i think) that every thread turns into a chat thread...but ya know what, while most of us are at work we need a break from it and we turn here to chat and pass the time. its tough to post thoughtful posts all the time, cause we are fried enough from our menial jobs (i am anyway) so chatting calms us enough to not commit a mass slaughter
Quote:I would rather people post without thinking.

Be careful what you wish for :crackhead:
Wow, smells a little to fuckin familar around this thread. Kind of like the old days when we all decide the place is for the shits. I a, not around all that much, so, when i do come aboard, I llok for something to post in. I start reading theards and they all, as in every fuckin one of them, turns into a bonafide shit fest. By the time I am done reading a thread, I have no fuckin clue what it is about anymore. I tried in the past that even when I amnke a joke of some sort to at least attempt to drag a thread back on topic. Do I hate chat threads? Not in the lest but I for the most part won't bother posting in them. I feel the same about the game threads, I avoid them because they really aren't my cup of tea. There is room for everything here, but, it seems that even an attempt to start something they may require a more positive response is met with great resistence. Maybe thats just what we are at this point, a bunch of hacks who rather post one word or a smile and thats that. I have accused a few people here of just being an ass for the sake of being an ass. You can't force people to post how you want them to post but eventually you might just decide not to post at all. I feel the board has become rather repeatitive with most way people respond so I don't bother repeating myself. There has been some really good topics of late but alas, they turn into another one liner thread that has nothing to offer to me. Again, i am not saying how people should post but I think this will help people understand why I don't reply to most things now.
In hindsight of the lambasting that I recieved from Sean a few posts down, I retract my original post.

As to the topic of this thread of staying on track with a topic, the nature of the board (this and others) has always shown for the most part a migration from one topic to another. Why? I chalk it up to the human thought process. One thought leads to another, and yet to another and thus over a period of time changes the nature of the topic.

Granted - some times it intentional but there are times when a topic gets a life of its own. Trying to confine a thread like that is like trying to confine water to strainer. Impossible at best.

Edited By Grumpy on May 01 2002 at 3:05
I know I can tend to be part of the problem...
But I use this place as a means to escape the clutter in my head...
When something serious strikes me, I will reply accordingly...
Unfortunately my head is really cluttered these days, so, my posts are tending to be more stupid than normal.
Thank you, and have a nice day.
most of the points i'm gonna say have been said, but i'll repeat them anyway...

most threads come with a topic, like why this is bad, why that is good, or something else to people post what they feel for awhile, but then somebody says one thing that can be taken a bit gay, or a glaring typo, or something else that makes one of the many smartasses(which just about all of us try to be) make a little joke.sometimes, people will continue making jokes, and away goes the thread into the bowels of uselessness, or others the joke is seen, laughed at, and people go back on topic.the occaisonal joke is good, and should show up in every thread.i dont have anything against derailments, in moderation(2 or 3 major derailments a day is good, not counting game threads) but when every thread is derailed to "you're gay" "you're stupid" "(insert random thing from hybrid)", it just makes stuff less interesting
There is a definite divide between the people who post all day everyday & those who don't. I've even noticed that if I don't view the board for a few hours, things are different & there is "nothing to respond too." But, alas work is dull as snot, and I get sucked back in. There is something fun about a stuid thread whenyou are in the midst of it, but it may even look gay to you when you go back later.

....... don't know where I was going with this. :crackhead: Threads like this make my brain bleed. I may have to spend all day on the Bus tommorrow, to make up for it.
Quote:There is something fun about a stuid thread whenyou are in the midst of it, but it may even look gay to you when you go back later.
I was just about to make that point, but I wasn't sure how to word it. I have a lot of fun chatting in threads with people. But when I'm away for a couple of hours and come back and see a new thread that's 100 replies long, I usually find it boring as shit and ignore it. That's just how this board is. Overall though, I think some of you people overanalyze way too much. Just realize that you can't change a fuckin thing, and you'll feel better. Maybe you'll even have more fun.
Leave it to Grumpy to be the first shmuck of this thread. Fuckin short little peon he is can't have much more to add so he still is clinging to the hope that he might actually be funny. Don't worry, one day he might realize how much of a blasted putz he truely is.

I admit, i read some shit that still makes me laugh, but, I will never be one to reply with one word. I try and get the most out of when I am actually going to post. Moronic threads don't bother me. For christ's sake, look at my Toby thread, that was stupidity at it's hieght and finest. And it got the desired response, stupid idotic replies. This thread posed a valid point, but, in Grumpy's eyes, it wasn't valid enough to actually contribute in any way than just make an ass out of himself and post the same mindless bullshit overplayed jokes just so he felt like he acomplished something.

seee my reply in how to show your distaste for something yet continue to add to a fuckin conversation.

Oh, and god help me, I actually agree with fblingaling.:firebounce:
Sean - I editted my post (and actually attempted to add value to the discussion). My bad!

Move along folks, nothing to see here. Move along.....
Ahh sean just explained why i never see his name in any of my threads. what a relief...i thought he just didnt like me. :bouncer:
You were right the first time...
Sean doesn't like you...
You smell like shit and you defile more than Grumpy...
We are trying to be at least semi-serious here...
Oh...My bad...You were posting with May's personality...
Quote:Oh...My bad...You were posting with May's personality...
I'm getting the two threads confused.
Quote:We are trying to be at least semi-serious here...
35 replies........ are we done yet? Or is 50 really the majik number?
My point Ladi, was to make a bit of a joke without totally defiling the original concept of the thread...
If I failed (miserably) Then I apologize...
Carry on...
LOL...dont worry sluggo...ya didnt fail that bad..but it makes the original topic that much more funny. but i defiled it before you so you wont get in trouble for defiling this serious thread.
another thing i just remebered, kinda like one of seph's points

personally, i like some game threads.there are those of us who hate their very existence, and there are others who play any game people will make.i'm in the middle, wont see me in questions or word association, but i had half the origional time thread, and a good ammount of fuck you's, and i think i may have been one of the reason's seph's contest thread got to 500 so fast.but there is a major problem i have with game threads, and seph kinda pointed this out.he locked one game(i foget which), and there was a new one minutes later.for me, at least, most games get boring after 500 replys or so.recently, on, alkey started defiling incredibly stupid FUs by just posting stuff that rhymed with the last thing said.the first few times he did this, it was fun as hell, but when there was a thread made just for it, it was boring.round after round of the same games is the second thread of rhymes, i stopped posting in it(was there a second?i'm not even sure...).people need to make a rotation of games, like when questions gets locked, play this game, when thats locked, the next.too much of the same game just plays it out
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