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I know, I'm not big on change, so I was taking this oppty to see if the thread would go ary or not.

testing .... testing..... can anyone derail a thead?

Or is it certain people only? Why do some people become automatic thread killers? Do you see someone's name on a thread and automatically stay away?
Quote:Do you see someone's name on a thread and automatically stay away?

mmm I was even about to say that you think so, but I figured I would leave it up to you or someone else to say. Undecided
I'm pleased that people are starting to see it how I was. Perhaps I choose the wrong way to approach my displeasure for these types of threads. As long as its being acknowledged and maybe it will make some people think about how they approach posting a little more. I'm all for a little chat thread or game here or there but when it becomes the norm, I lose interest.

< cdih inside joke >I guess I don't need to find another message board now, right Maynard? Wink < /cdih inside joke >
the way i look at it...if someone comes to a message board to add his or her two cents...then is told his or her posting style has to be different...why post at all.
Quote:I'm all for a little chat thread or game here or there but when it becomes the norm, I lose interest.
....... ooooo, by all means, :hail: what can we do to entertain YOU!!! (couldn't help myself)

Seriously, how do we find out which is the majority? The unhappy people seem to be the more vocal. But if "every" thread is a chat thread.... does that mean there are more chat-threaders, or they are just more active?
see, what i wonder is, I have openly stated why i keep away form alot of threads. Instead of bitching and fuckin moaning about it, i just don't post in them. End of story for me. They are not there when I look at the board. How come others can't do the same? If you actually do not have one iota of a thought to add to a certian topic, why bother replying to it at all? If your best reply is "Maynard's a fag", hasn't it been said in thirty other threads that you can just pile up the shit thier?

Ladi, do you rmember when the board started? During the day, threads followed a general point. I am not saying all the replies were great, insightful and meaningful but they followed a cetrian purpose. Then, the night owls attacked. All topice were just continuations of others involving the same people just chasing each other around the board replying with absolute nonsense. Why does that have to be every where? Why didn't they just keep doing it in one thread?

Edited By Sean Cold on May 01 2002 at 4:00
Thats actually an interesting point Ladi. I think the chat threaders are the majority and only more active because its pretty easy to be active when your posts consist of a line or two usually containing the words "maynard is a dick, grumpys mom, spits ass, etc..."

The unhappy people cease to be vocal and just lose interest and stop posting after awhile. The board will ebb and flow from content filled forums to chat thread havens. Its a cyclical process.
you know what the impossible task is here.

making everyone fucking happy. there is no way to do everyone stick a dog dick in your ass and salute the elder gods.
Well then,
This isn't a News Board, or have one Agenda.
There are multiple forums for particular interests.
So what is wrong with chat threads.
I consider many of you to be friends, though I haven't met you,
and just like friends at lunch etc. a conversation does not stay on topic for long.
I find nothing wrong with a chat thread, as I often find a laugh, or give one,
or just hear from someone I haven't in a while.
How many topics get started that truly don't deserve to be defiled?
Quote:The unhappy people cease to be vocal and just lose interest and stop posting after awhile.

That's not entirely true either. I fully admit to being a chat-threadder the majority of the times that I post, and, going with what Sean said earlier, I at least TRY to stay on topic the best that I can, while insulting Ken's whole family of course.

However, when I don't post, its not because I'm "unhappy" as you call it, or just being a sullen, whiny prick about something.....its because I have a shitload of work to do, plain and simple.

Rule #1: Anything goes
Rule #2: No crying

Pretty fucking simple, eh? Another thing Sean mentioned that I agree with is that if the topic holds no interest for me whatsoever (ie a hockey thread let's say) then maybe I'll read it, but I won't post in it just to cut on someone. The whole fucking point of this place is to NOT become the place we left, but I guess to a certain extent that's gonna happen....since we all got our start there. What do you think?
Like I said, I am not crying about this, I am stating my points in a topic that I want to discuss. How come when people bitch about something getting flushed down the internet toilet, they are showing "Kid Like" tendacies, and if they don't like it, they shouldn't read it and all that jazz. But, when a serious topic is produced, and it gets ripped into a million different discussion, that should be tolerated fully and no one should say boo? That is something that makes me scratch my head.
I'm not making a statement by not posting. I'm saying if I have no interest in something, I have no interest in posting about it.

I believe the no crying rule means that you need to be able to defend your actions and expect to suffer the consequences of them unlike the other place where you are just eliminated. If you act like a dick here you will just be beaten to submission whereas in other places you would just be dismissed.
Quote:Then, the night owls attacked. All topice were just continuations of others involving the same people just chasing each other around the board replying with absolute nonsense. Why does that have to be every where? Why didn't they just keep doing it in one thread?
Why must they be restricted to one space, like an Indian Reservation?

Quote:Rule #1: Anything goes
Rule #2: No crying
Not everyone got to see STM, but the Short Bus is created in it's image.... so what of the people who run around posting in the Shit Throwing Style? Sometimes we contain it to the Bus, but other times it leaks out. Witness the downhill spiral of Maynad's Personality thread. Should that not be "allowed"?
Always the same answer from you, isn't it? Is it just a predisposed notion of yours? I don't give three flying fucks about most things, but, I disagree because you fail to see a fuckin point. People will post what they want, thats fine. Indian Resevation? When did I start stealing and trading for land? How come when people want a serious conversation, to post something a little more meaningful than what you consider fun, it is met with such an incredible ammount of resistance? Why must every thread be about the same thing? Isn't that just retarded? Your point seems to be just let people post, but, what happens when after every tom dick and harry tries to be funny and silly that other posters don't post? I agree, if you don't like it, don't post and don't read it. But, that doesn't work with everyone, does it? Because I can count on one hand how many times I have been inclined to post of late, but, like you said, that doesn't mean dick.
Maynards Personality Thread is an excellent example to me.
I read it.
thought he made some good points,
but what to do about it from there???
How many serious replies can be made to that thread.
But hopefully people read it and evaluted it before wandering off the reservation.l
You can do whatever you want. You can post anything you want. The sign on the door says anything goes.

You can also expect to find people expressing their displeasure.

Seans point that why can't they do it in one thread is that its impossible to keep up with conversations spanning multiple threads, it makes more sense to keep your nonsense in one place perhaps to spare the rest of us from having to sift through them in the middle of a thread we might be enjoying.

Edited By Keyser Soze on May 01 2002 at 4:49
I meant like Reservation, like being confined, bad choice maybe.

We're just beating a dead horse here, again. I have no sugestions or solutions either.

Quote:How come when people want a serious conversation, to post something a little more meaningful than what you consider fun, it is met with such an incredible amount of resistance? Why must every thread be about the same thing? Isn't that just retarded?

We've gone over that, people at work are brain dead from work, pissed off at everyone they work with, and take it out on the board with mindless drivel.

Quote:I disagree because you fail to see a fuckin point.
What? That some threads should be left alone? Or am I still "missing it?"
Why is it so hard to confine a conversation to one thread. Isnt that what they make threads for?

Somehow I don't feel trapped on 'an indian reservation' when i'm told I shouldn't post recipes in a noise pollution thread. Maybe i'm just 'quirky'.
Simply put:

People can post what they want. Mindless bullshit is accepted. Alot of the threads degrade to just a pissing contest of witless one liners. when some one complains, togh shit on them. They actually get told to start a thread that they find intrest in.

When a person actually tries to post a topic on the serious side, instead of it being ignored if you don't like it, it goes the way of every other thread. It gets shit on but the same rules as my above example are not followed in the least.

I tried to make it clear, I hope this helped.
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