I tend to really enjoy music that is a little "off"
groups like
They Might be Giants,
the Refreshments,
Suicide Machines
NoFX etc.
anybody here anything recently that is worth a listen?
Did you happen to catch Cake on Late World with Zach last night? They rocked.
Dead Milkmen
Tenacious D
Ween is one of the greatest bands out there. And in fact, Chocolate & Cheese made my top 20 list. Every one of their albums is great, in a unique sort of way. However I'd stick to their later stuff if you're a newcomer to them.
Tenacious D also rocks. They just released a new single today. I think it has like 5 songs on it. Some are new that didnt make the album, others are demo's of stuff on the album.
Dead Milkmen are also good. Good 80's political punk. However, all the "real" punk bands used to laugh at them.
Ween, LOVED the Country Album,
Piss up a Rope became a personal anthem of mine.
All of the Desert Sessions! if you can find them...here's some clips from 7&8
CD Now, Desert Sessions 7&8
here's allmusic's review:
Josh Homme's Queens of the Stone Age have risen above the generally sound-alike stoner rock genre by virtue of their clever, intricate songwriting and virtuoso musicianship. Hanging out and recording at Rancho de la Luna Studio in Joshua Tree, CA, Homme and various musical pals have also released a series of Desert Sessions, which rely on neither the kitschy '70s references nor the recycled Sabbath riffs that their stoner rock brethren venerate. Instead, Homme and pals concoct a varied group of rich, elaborate compositions which conjure up an exotic world of gem-loaded desert caravans and opium-smoke-filled harems. Among Desert Sessions, Vol. 7-8's many fine moments is an appearance from Mark Lanegan singing on "Hanging Tree," a top-notch rock tune benefiting from Lanegan's grunge-era voice and some hypnotizing background effects. Another great smoke-out tune is "The Idiot's Guide," where Homme's whispered falsetto is particularly effective. This song wanders around like an acid casualty lost in the desert after a rave. But it's the caravan-like marching tunes that really stick out, "Don't Drink Poison" and "Up in hell," which feature an orchestra of Eastern-style guitars, tribal drums, and chanting lunatics for an ornate, Arabian Nights vibe. The album's humorous finale, "Ending," is the rock band's frenzied last song cliché taken way over the top with "thank yous," "good nights," and solos and drums that won't end. Even better than Queens of the Stone Age's last record, R, these sessions are a wild, uninhibited orgy of magnificent, tweaked-out music. — Adam Bregman
Cake is from my area...used to go watch them before they were known. The video, "Short Skirt, Long Jacket" was filmed on the lovely streets of Sacramento....:-D
How do you all define Quirky?
When I think Quirky I think tounge in cheek, sarcastic, off the beaten path, unique, and strays far from the norm.
Keyser I gave a few examples of the groups I considered Quirky.
yes ken but i was wondering what you thought were specific criteria for 'quirkiness' in a band
How else would you describe quirky?
On Desert Sessions 3&4, they have the "Eagles of Death Metal" acoustic death metal :lol: you can't get any quirkier than that...
or Cold Sore Superstar on 7&8
or Cake (who shit on the?) on 1&2
I like your definitions,
also odd tempos, subject matter, instruments,
Loved Devo back in the day,
Mexican Radio by Wall of Voodoo.
My Quirky music generally has memorable lyrics.
Does the 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' soundtrack count?
If you want quirky (odd meter) pick up any Zappa stuff with the Mothers of Invention. Particularly The Grand Wazoo. This is a big band album with a rock band, and its some of the tightest, quirkiest stuff out there.
Download "Pay to Cum" by Bad Brains
As much as I love Bad Brains, you couldn't consider them quirky.
Yeah Bad Brains is really punk influenced by jazz and reggae.
I find the mixture of reggae and punk to be rather quirky, just my opinion.
I find the fact that the Bad Brains are black to be the quirky thing about them.