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Why did the redneck cross the road...

He was fucking the chicken
but why did the baby cross the road?
Quote:Why did the chicken cross the road?

It was stapled to the baby.

Uhm...I think it's the other way around. Go have another cup of coffee. :lol:

Hickory, dickory dock, three mice ran up the clock, the clock struck one, and the other two escaped with minor injuries.
But the jokes always start.. Why did the chicken cross the road....I've never heard a Why did the baby cross the road (except from Skitc)
well, if the baby is crossing the road, was it going to see baby daddy? could it have been going to baby gap? none of this makes any damn sense to me anymore...i need a vacation, i might go postal around here
:thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up:
Why did Naught Angel cross the road?

To go vroooommm on the other side.
I'll make sure I hide behind Amy.
now that i have you attention...ahem,

why did the rooster cross the road?

because the hen was on the other side

thank you, carry on

Quote:I'll make sure I hide behind Amy.
am i bending over in this scenario?
its not grumpy, you would have to stand up or he would be seen...sheesh
i was thinking more of doggy style ski!!!!
do i have to explain everything
oh, i didn't get that. my funney bone isn't working today. i will work on it and get back to you
Eeeek! You woman are bad. I won't just give my body to anyone!! You'd have to earn that Amy.
fuck that ill rape you
Quote:my funney bone isn't working today
that's not the bone she was looking for...
unless it is odd and mishapen and that's why you call it that....
i had a friend in college who broke his "bone" once...this girl was on top of him riding him, and kind of came down on him wrong...he had it in a splint for 3 weeks!! it was funney
Quote:he had it in a splint for 3 weeks!! it was funney
i bet he'll never live that down
i could only imagine the jokes
How the fuck can you keep your cock in a splint for 3 weeks?

Quote:fuck that ill rape you
DGW when u least expect it, ill be there
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