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Quote:would uncontrolled flatulance be a pro or a con?

that falls into both categories
The two things that people always mention.

Pro: I'm super outgoing and people find me funny
Con: I think about shit way too much

Maybe my name has something to do with another con though....Confusedleeper::drool:
Don't sweat the details

How can these to things be in the same category?
Pro: I'm a good person
Con: I'm an opinionated prick
I always said...
K1d's an opinionated prick...
That doesn't make him a bad person...
I'm terrible at making lists.

HAHA...Is that where you've been..?
Just like Maynard I liked Joe Dirt also
that wasn't funny
Quote:HAHA...Is that where you've been..?
No, I'm just terrible at making lists.

Do anything for friends and family
Hard Worker


Dont trust many people
Very bad temper
Easily Distracted
Not the neatest person in the world
Can't spell to save my life
Close minded
Always happy.
Can have a good time anywhere.
A good listener.
Bend over backwards for friends when they need me.
Good at saving money.
Can orgasm anytime.:bouncer:
Learn quickly.
I have an insanely good memory, especially dates and numbers.

Procrastinate way too much.
Refuse to read any book.
I become too attached to people too quickly.
Manic Depressive
I only sleep once or twice a week.

Edited By Rape Fantasizer on May 01 2002 at 11:35
Quote:Always happy

Quote:Manic Depressive

Ok, I am not trying to be a dick. Wait, yes I am , who the fuck am I kidding. Don't these two just cancel each other out in some way, shape or form. And the happy thing? Bullshit, I have seen you off the meds young lady and you are sooooo not always happy!
Quote:And the happy thing? Bullshit, I have seen you off the meds young lady and you are sooooo not always happy!
Just because I wasn't bouncing off the walls cheery doesn't mean I wasn't happy. And yes, they cancel each other out, but I've learned to control my emotions so that I am happy.
I'm working on mine, i have like a 23:1 con:pro ratio though.
Here's a couple I thought about. Some I guess are pros and cons depending really on your view of it

Not particularly talented in anything i can think of/have nothing to offer
have the confidence of an inchworm
awful voice
no initiative
not that smart
not that good in social situations
completely insensitive, don't really feel anything about anything
really awful memory
often too serious
not a group person
not neat
no interesting life stories
no morals
not particularly funny
think about death/murder a lot more than I should
No leadership ability
Can’t form connections with people

Have somewhat of a slightly above average knowledge in trivia
75 wpm/slighty above basic computer skills
willing to take a crap job and not argue and accept the abuse

Edited By IkeaBoy on May 02 2002 at 01:50
Don't sweat the details

How can these to things be in the same category?
Not sweating the details dosen't meen not seeing them through. Details are ssteps to meeting the end result. Many people sweat the steps to getting it right. I expect it to be right and failure is not an option. Whether that makes sense or not, who the hell knows.
Quick learner
Good listener
Ability to think on my feet
Great memory
Tall (TOG)
I'm actually funny, contrary to what most of you may think ;-)
Can keep a secret
Very social, contrary to what most of you may think ;-)

Impatient to the nth degree
Hair trigger temper
Bottle everything up inside
Except for you tards, almost zero tolerance for stupidity
-good sense of humor (playful)
-have respect for the planet & it's critters (I'm a nature child)
-know when to keep my mouth shut
-honest & truthful (I don't say anything I don't mean)
-even-keeled, level-headed
-can admit when I am wrong
-enjoy learning new things


-cannot tolerate nonsense
-always late
-avoidance behaviours
-Seasonal Affective Disorder (winter depression)
-enjoy the company of animals more than people
-can be extremely lazy
-too friendly
-sometimes I have no respect for authority
-can be too neat...too organized
-bite off more than I can chew sometimes
-can be too generous
theres too many bad things about me to mention, im sure you know most of them so i dont need to bother posting them
Ikea, I had you in mind too when I started this, I was hoping you wouldn't puss out & not have some Pros ;-) ........ and come on this can be a Pro: no morals Angel

But it looks like Naughty needs the push...... come on, you're a sweety, make a list. You're creative, I'm sure you're good to your friends, you're fun out...... :thumbs-up:
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