Full Version: The pros and cons of you - What makes you tick?
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wow - nice topic there ladi. Before you read my list - keep in mind that it's the real persona I talk about, and not the board persona. To a degree they do overlap but you have to keep in mind thta what I post if not necessarily how I really am

- Will go above and beyond to help out someone I care about
- I will trust anyone once
- Creative and logical thinker
- I demand the best out of myself in whatever I do, no matter how long it takes
- Like a good chess or pool player, I don't think about my next move - I think 2-3 moves ahead and plan things out carefully with different scenarios
- Phenominal chef

- Lose my trust or respect and you never get it back
- I don't get mad often but when I do, I lose it big time
- Procrastinator when I'm not comfortable with the situation
- Very sick and demented sense of humor at time

There's more but this should do for now.....
Nice Topic Ladi!!

-loyal to the people I care about, no matter what
-happy, it's hard to catch me in a bad mood
-easy going
-open minded
-good at solving problems
-fun to be around (most of the time)

-can't make decisions
-bad procrastinator
-stubborn as a mule
-hold grudges forever and a day
-irish temper (although I don't vnecessarily see that as a bad thing)
-worry about things I have no control over
-I have the occasional 'blonde moment'..probably more then I'd like to admit
Much like with Spit's list, BG, I think most of ours match too. cool :thumbsup:
Quote:Much like with Spit's list, BG, I think most of ours match too. cool :thumbsup:

Isn't that strange..most of the girls I meet 'in real life' I can't stand, and I have nothing in common with, but the girls on here are just awesome

amazing listener
extremely selfless
ironclad memory
sarcastic & cynical
can sing real purdy
can relate well to others]
good judge of charcter....i have a strange 6th sense of a sort about people..i know all about a person with in minutes of meeting them. its scary actually.
huge heart
appreciative of the little things


repress my anger till i explode
in need of constant human contact
no tolerence of stupid people
a neat freak

Quote:And I don't get along with other women. I don't know why, they don't like me right away (probably the tact thing) and I usually don't like them for the most part...except the chicks here for some strange reason...

same here...and i don't understand it it. :loveya: love teh spitfire and the other grrrls round here:loveya:
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