Full Version: The pros and cons of you - What makes you tick?
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This is my attempt at a useful thread.

I like to know why people are the way they are. I know we did nasty habits you have, so here I am looking for more along the lines of the psycological you.

Cons: What keeps you from connecting with other people? What keeps you from accomplishing things? Are you a cynic, a pessimist, or too optimistic?

Pros: These are sometimes harder. What do people like about you? What do you like about you?

<table style=filter:glow(color=green)>PRO</table>
would do anything for my friends
loyal, polite, can keep a secret
easy going, always ready to go out, or up for last minute plans
forgiving of other people's faults
generally excited about things, often in a good mood
good imagination

<table style=filter:glow(color=red)>CONS</table>
can't make decisions
big procrastinator, messy
selective memory
can hold a grudge
competitive on the hey, prone to road rage
moody, grouchy when I'm tired, take it out on other people
secretive, protective of my privacy
no tact, put my foot in my mouth a lot
worry about things I have no control over
read too much into what other people say
prone to instances of airheadedness
don't take criticism well

Edited By Hey Ladi on May 01 2002 at 6:57
Lemme try...
Alot of my pros are also my cons...

Sicillian (temper)
Too trusting (easily taken advantage of)
I'm sure there's more...
But...I'm a stoner...
Oh yeah...Stoner...

Like Ladi, Will do Anything for my friends...
Good cook
Really trying to better myself...
i'm a pragmatist
i'm extremely easy going
i'm a damn good cook
i make a mean martini and killer margaritas
i'm generally in a great mood
nothing ever bothers me or worries me
and like sluggo and ladi, i'm caring, trustworthy, and all of that other bullshit.

i'm lazy
i'm a pragmatist
i have a viscious temper
nothing ever bothers me or worries me
often times my dry sense of humor is misunderstood and interpereted as condescending and obnoxious.

Edited By LZMF1 on May 01 2002 at 7:36
Don't fucking talk down to me, you condescending bastard.
Wow! good topic!

I'll try to do this without looking at yours...


I don't sweat the small shit.
I'm a good listener...and willing to listen to different points of view.
I always eager to learn new things...and ask lots of questions.
I smoke too much pot. :-)
I'm completely loyal to my friends.
I'm adventurous and willing to take chances.
I will never let my job run my life.
I have trouble taking sides, because I can usually see both sides of every story.


I have no tolerance or patience for stupid/rude people.
I'm completely disorganized and scatter-brained.
I get hurt easily, too sensitive (I don't show my feelings too often)
I have no tact.
I procrastinate change.
I smoke too much pot.
I'm shy in front of a big group of people and when meeting new people. I take a while to open up.
Quote:I have trouble taking sides, because I can usually see both sides of every story.
My wife gets so pissed at me for that...
She says I'm not on her side if she has a problem with someone, whether real or percieved...
Pro: Huge Cock
Con: I lie a lot
Hmmm....bah to self reflection...

:thumbs-up: Pros:

<ul><li>I'm loyal
<li>I'll do almost anything for someone that I care about
<li>I don't make promises I know I can't keep
<li>I'm easily entertained
<li>I can keep a secret
<li>When I love someone, I love them completely and don't try to change them
<li>I know my way around the kitchen
<li>I remember things that surprise people
<li>I'm usually easy going
<li>I have many personalities...I clean up real nice, but I'm also not afraid to get dirty....

And now....

:poison: Cons:

<li>I worry too much
<li>I can get a bit needy at times
<li>I'm pessimistic too often
<li>I depend on the wrong things to make me happy sometimes
<li>I don't trust the people I should, and I trust the people I shouldn't
<li>I'm a perfectionist
<li>I can have an awful temper
<li>I hold a grudge and can be vengeful
<li>I still sleep with a doll....


There's more...but that's enough for now Smile
Quick learner
Easy to talk to
Have a good bullshit radar
Quite Handsome
Good listener to friends
Don't wallow in shit; If my life needs a change, i change it
good cook
Pretty hair
well versed from a guy who grew up in the bronx
kind and caring to those who have earned it.

Mean son of a bitch
Truthful to a fault, i use it as my greatest weapon
ADD/hyperactive; hard to keep my mind on one thing
Drink too much
Curse too much
Hate too much
Get annoyed rather quickly
Can shell myself up in the I don't Give a Shit mode a little too easy
Trust to willingly, actually, i think i overcame that one
Obsessive with the wanting, If I want, i get, no matter what the cost to me or others
Confrontational, I thrive in it
Uncaring, I don't give a fuck for the most part
Authority issues, always had them, always will
Quote:I still sleep with a doll....
I have a bear. :thumbs-up: And, I do the pillow thing too Spit, if I'm not at home. :lol:

Edited By Hey Ladi on May 01 2002 at 7:50
Quote:I still sleep with a doll....
HA! If I didn't have Mr. Spit sleeping next to me, I'd probably be sleeping with one of my teddy bears. When he worked the overnight shift, I did. I was in a hotel by myself last night and had to sleep with a pillow in my arms Undecided

Funny, Ladi, most are our pros and cons are the same! even the ones I forgot, like holding grudges, moodiness (split personality - I am a Gemini), etc. :lol:
And I don't get along with other women. I don't know why, they don't like me right away (probably the tact thing) and I usually don't like them for the most part...except the chicks here for some strange reason...

I'm also a good judge of character.

Edited By Spitfire on May 01 2002 at 7:55
pros: i hate people
cons: see pros
:-) I sleep with a raggedy Ernie doll...I've had him since I was born....
Quote:pros: i hate people
cons: see pros

i like CT, she's ok in my book
Quote:i like CT, she's ok in my book

And look LZ you did a good job coloring in the lines too.
Kind to animals
On time
Good listener
Good sense of humor

Too determined sometimes
Shy when I first meet people which is often mistaken for snobbiness
Not very adventurous
Horrible athlete
Sometimes try too hard to help people who don't want/need my help
Sometimes take things out on people when I'm cranky

I'll think of more.
Seeing as management here only wants us posting to meaningfull threads around here, I shall reply to this one.


Very decisive
Quick to make decisions and move on
Great father
Ladi and Polly sleep with dolls, that is so f'n hot!
Easy going
Results oriented
Don't sweat the details

Too trusting
Don't always spend money wisely
Too generous
Old? (sorry Maymay, couldn't help it) :-D
would uncontrolled flatulance be a pro or a con?
Generally fucking cheery
Brutally honest
Able to excel at most anything I put my mind to
Great listener
Able to offer best advice for a situation, even when it goes against my wants
Good cook
My long, flowing golden locks........ awww...shit
Realistic, yet extremely positive outlook on life
Extremely protective of those close to me
Bad temper when I lose control
Enjoy a good debate entirely too much
Lack of the consistent ability to put my mind to something
Often stoic
Brutal honesty
Often solitary
Depends on how irritable my bowels are on any given day. :fuckoff:
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