Full Version: Vegan parents neglect child - Die motherfuckers!!
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To even add to the bonfire the fucking mother wouldn't even breastfeed. Humans are omnivores. We need a good variety to stay health. The great thing about veganism is that they won't survive long enough to recruit others.
Serious conversation confuses Sloatsburg
Quote:The great thing about veganism is that they won't survive long enough to recruit others.
You have no idea how wrong you are.

I'm sorry Nette. I know they're not all whackos. I've just known how some of them think, and they think that it's just wrong, and worse, alot of them try to push their beliefs on others.
It's like the assholes who deny their kids medical attention....
Quote:It's like the assholes who deny their kids medical attention....

Because God would prefer your kid to die than get heart surgery cause he is so benevolent.
Quote:cause I dont want to eat things that lord knows what happened to it in the hands of others before it was on my plate (yes you can say that about anything, but I've seen this stuff firsthand). The only way your safe is if you eat Grade A (VERY expensive, high class etc etc) meat, and sometimes Grade B. If I ate McDonalds, etc. I might as well open up a can of dog food, and most dog foods now have a higher grade than fast food joints.

This is sooooooo true, but I must disagree about the dog food thing.
Did you know that some dog and cat foods actually have euthanized dogs & cats in them? Yes, it is true. Alot of dog and cat foods that you get in the grocery store do, even some so called premeium foods do it. Rendering plants pick up euthanized animals from animal shelters as well as cows and other animals that don't make it for human grade consumption at the slaughter house. They are rendered and processed and used as a base for pet foods. One of the big issues of using euthanized animals in pet foods is that the drug they use to euthanize the animal (phenobarb.) does not break down in the rendering process and this may be one of the reasons companion animals (cats & dogs) get cancer, amongst other things.
Quote:Because God would prefer your kid to die than get heart surgery cause he is so benevolent.
It's all because YOU didn't pray enough.
Quote:It's all because YOU didn't pray enough.
No, it's because he said Jesus likes young boys.
Bite me Ikea. Nette slipped her fucking post in there.

As I said, the second a wild animal almost kills either you or someone you know, you have no problem killing those fuckers.

Plus, if being a vegitarian is sooo healthy, how come I have never heard of a vegitarian bodybuilder or athlete (running is not a sport).
oh nono, no need to be sorry may may. I just figured I'd throw some of that out there for informations sake. I tend to get the vegan wackos looking at me like I'm nuts if I say I cook meat for dinner for my man (if you consider scorching everything cooking)
At college, all the vegans , or 75% of them are all the hippies that walk around in their dreads, cordoroy pants and jesus cruiser sandals and they shower every 3 weeks (I am completely serious , if your not like them, you might as well stick a fork in you) and they are the peta freaks that like to throw tofu at people and hypocritically do things to just harm animals more. (like the whole red paint thrown on furs, guess what ass hole, that just means more animals are going to get electrocuted up the ass and killed for more coats since you just ruined some)

I couldnt agree more with the people that push their ideas on others. If someone wants to believe in or about something, they'll do it on their own.
ok, first off, vegetarians aren't going to die off quicker because it's a much healthier way to eat if you do it properly. i was vegetarian for several years but when i went to college i found that i was getting hardly any protein or the vitamin b's and irons that i needed. i'd prefer to be vegetarian, but crack makes that pretty much impossible, although i do draw the line at veal.

now, what i don't get about these freaks is that if they were all into natural living and all that crap, i would think they'd be into the whole breastfeeding thing. i just don't understand how a parent, especially a mother could sit by and watch their own child waste away, it's just too disgusting to imagine.:disappointed:
the best thing i ever heard was that all these vegans don't realize that with all the land cleared to grow tofu, they killed so many animals and creatures that way.

but they're not eating them, so i guess its ok.Rolleyes
well, if they're not born because there's no room for them then they don't suffer
But if they are reproduced (i.e. the whole purpose of their life) just to suffer, that's not OK? (unless you are a Kennedy?)

How can processed food items be more healthy and natural than a slab of muscle flesh generated by a body?
Quote:How can processed food items be more healthy and natural than a slab of muscle flesh generated by a body?
they're not, but vegetables, fruits and grains can be.
I found some Vegan literature once. It was worse than the Jesus Freak stuff. I almost even considered trying it, but no. I didn't eat much meat in College, because I had to make my own food & I find uncooked meat icky.
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