Full Version: How much is a cup of coffee? - Size, Not Price
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can't we put some in our pockets and make out for a while?:loveya:
HazelNUT coffee anyone? Confusedpits:
Hazel = Ladi in a French Maid's costume......
[Image: Ruins4.jpg]
Oh, we're talkin'
[Image: leatherboot.jpg]

damn...I would love to have a pair of these!

Edited By LunaBabe on May 03 2002 at 12:38
the number of cups that i drink on a daily average is well over 12 cups.

i prefer to drink my coffee out of an oktoberfest stein that accomodates a liter of my favorite beverage.
Quote:Everything is better when someone else makes it for you.

Are you offering to do just that?

Quote:I get it by the bean and grind it at home.

What, you don't get your grind on right there? :bouncer:

Quote:It could also be your coffee maker.....????

Are you offering up your services as well.....the basement needs some libation Wink
Quote:What, you don't get your grind on right there?
No....I don't get my grind on at Dunken Doughnuts.......sorry, I do have some standards, ya know! :lol:
[Image: thigh.jpg]
Ladi is making me drool. :drool:
I want those boots! :loveya:
I don't drink coffee. Never really understood the obsession with it.
I avoided it all thru college, because people always became obsessed. But once I started working & tried it a few times, and found the right combo of milk & sugar (lots of both), now I just like the taste. Thicker than tea, warm, just all round good.
Quote:Never really understood the obsession with it.

Can you say Caffiene addiction?
Luna has a few,
coffee, cigs, shrooms......
gotta get her Ken addicted somehow....
I get my caffeine through my lust for Iced Tea.
Iced Tea is 100 times better than Coffee. I just don't like warm drinks.
me either, mystic iced tea for me please
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