Full Version: The un-maynard thread - About everything not maynard....
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Pages: 1 2
::hands Ladi a bucket::

I feel your pain...:-p
Where is the Ken Love????Undecided
In a dried puddle on your bed? Or between the pages of the recent Snuka's Mom's layout in Penthouse II.... the 'other' version of the magazine!

and ladi, is this what you wanted

Wanna play Secretary's Day Skitc? You can play the boss, and chase me around the desk.
Ladi, you should be thankful to have me,
SEX and the nausea that helps you keep your figure.
Almost 4.... one hr left!!! wweeeeeeeeee Gonna go see strippers tonight (male) :loveya:
Ladi's going to get all wet and squirmy tonight. Got your dollar bills all ready? :thumbs-up:
ladi, as long as i don't have to buy you a plant you can be my secretary. i don't know what you would do to a plant!
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