Full Version: Is maynard an asshole?
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Rape Fantasizer Wrote:I'll have you all know I am the one reply for "no". I know, hear comes all the insults.
And I thought you were cool...
Sluggo Wrote:
Quote:I'll have you all know I am the one reply for "no". I know, hear comes all the insults.
And I thought you were cool...
As soon as she bends over and spreads her ass cheeks, you'll think she's the bee's knees again.
Sluggo Wrote:Duh.
Double duh.
Holly shit, how the hell did I miss this thread? (insert eye joke here)

Maynerd is 100% asshole!!!! :roltflmao:
Brokenjaw Wrote:Holly shit, how the hell did I miss this thread? (insert eye joke here)

Maynerd is 100% asshole!!!! :roltflmao:
Maybe you saw half of it, and just noticed the second half.
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote:Holly shit, how the hell did I miss this thread? (insert eye joke here)

Maynerd is 100% asshole!!!! :roltflmao:
Maybe you saw half of it, and just noticed the second half.
Holy shit Alkey...
That was sooooo funny... :punch:
Sluggo Wrote:
Quote:Holly shit, how the hell did I miss this thread? (insert eye joke here)

Maynerd is 100% asshole!!!! :roltflmao:
Maybe you saw half of it, and just noticed the second half.
Holy shit Alkey...
That was sooooo funny... :punch:
no it wasn't...

but, to reiderate... Maynard is an asshole...
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:I'll have you all know I am the one reply for "no". I know, hear comes all the insults.
i voted no too
FNMoron Wrote:
Quote:Holly shit, how the hell did I miss this thread? (insert eye joke here)

Maynerd is 100% asshole!!!! :roltflmao:
Maybe you saw half of it, and just noticed the second half.
Holy shit Alkey...
That was sooooo funny... :punch:
no it wasn't...

but, to reiderate... Maynard is an asshole...
I'm sorry...You must be feeling a little more moronic than usual...
I didn't think I needed to add the sarcasm tags to that one...

Oh...Yea...Mayturd...You Sir...
Are an asshole. :moonie:

Hey, it's about me. How could I let it die on page 3???
Quote:Is maynard an asshole?
After this, how can yah argue?
Quote:but, to reiderate... Maynard is an asshole...

would it be jumping on the bandwagon if I agreed???
BeckyDC Wrote:
Quote:but, to reiderate... Maynard is an asshole...

would it be jumping on the bandwagon if I agreed???
And you wondered why I hate you...... :eatme:
Quote:And you wondered why I hate you......

no actually I didn't but if that's all it takes..I did a great job!
BeckyDC Wrote:
Quote:And you wondered why I hate you......

no actually I didn't but if that's all it takes..I did a great job!
Oh no, I hated you long before you did that.
Becky, it's not a bandwagon, it's an official club. If you want to join, see me about initiation. :got head:
Don't fall for GW's bullshit...
You don't have to see him for shit...
Sluggo Wrote:Don't fall for GW's bullshit...
You don't have to see him for shit...
Thats right, you dont have to see HIM for shit. You need to see me. It is MY club after all. And believe me, no one hates me more then I do.
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:Don't fall for GW's bullshit...
You don't have to see him for shit...
Thats right, you dont have to see HIM for shit. You need to see me. It is MY club after all. And believe me, no one hates me more then I do.
I gotta admit Gaylord...
That made me laugh my ass off.

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