Of course women fart. They have to! Well there are some out there that are so friggin fat that it looks like they never even shit neverind not fart. But is a woman who farts in front of everyone less sexy? Do you ever want to be laying in bed with a hot chick after sex....have her look at you and say "I got something for ya!" then she pulls the blanket over your head and you hear what sounds like someone blowing air through two slabs of beef. and a smell that immediately makes your eyes tear and puts a sulfer taste in your mouth. would you dump this girl? would you laugh with her about it? would you immediately go for revenge and stick a finger as far as you can in your own ass and shove it in one of her nostrils?
Ladies...do you ever want to fart in front of a guy? Do any of you ever take a hand and put one on each cheak and pull them apart as far as possible to see how loud it squeaks when you force out the gas? Ever feel like "cupping" a fart and throwing it in someones face?
I didn't read this, I would just like to answer YES to all of the above. :fart:
Bombs Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fart: :fart: :fart: :fart: :fart: :fart:
but seriously, I think that farts are gross (yet for some reason, everyone,male or female, laughs when they hear one) I think there should be some kind of medical procedure to rid people of farting.
Quote:Do you ever want to be laying in bed with a hot chick after sex....have her look at you and say "I got something for ya!" then she pulls the blanket over your head and you hear what sounds like someone blowing air through two slabs of beef. and a smell that immediately makes your eyes tear and puts a sulfer taste in your mouth. would you dump this girl?
LOL....come here nette...i have something for ya....dont worry its not really tiny and pulsating................
:moonie: :fart:
Imagine this one blowing one in your face..... :crackhead:
![[Image: bbw23.jpg]](http://www.1-absolute-fat-women-sex-pictures.com/bbw23.jpg)
Quote:but seriously, I think that farts are gross (yet for some reason, everyone,male or female, laughs when they hear one) I think there should be some kind of medical procedure to rid people of farting.
if someone were to come up with this procedure i would have to kill him.
i think if someone gets to the point where they can fart in front of another person, that says alot about their relationship. so fart away!!!:fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart:
But seriously, women don't fart, they poof.
oh c'mon polly.....i know you can lift a leg and blow hole with the best of em.
maybe we just discovered why they always 'fall asleep' :fart:
Edited By HedCold on May 06 2002 at 01:32
I would never do it in front of someone I just had sex with. But I was dating a guy for 4 years, and we both did it in front of each other if we had to. Who cares, he knows I do, so why should I be uncomfortable holding it in?
i said excuse me dammit
farting's natural, farting's fun, farting's best when it's one on one
If you've known the person long enough and you're comfortable around them, why not?
A poof? Is that what you call it after a rigorous round of anal and all that air escapes afterwards, a poof? Isn't that cute. :roflmao:
farting is natural...if she doesn't fart, there is something wrong with her!:fart:
Farting is not good...total turn off. If we're supposed to be men, then you could hold up your end and be women and fart while I'm outta the room getting a beer. Oh wait, that should read while you're getting my beer you can fart while I'm on my lazyboy. Where's my beer wench?!?!
Says the man with the oven mitts ;-)