We all knew you couldn't keep your word. I thought we suck so bad, and that we're just like oa.com. If that's true lent, then why are you back here reading us again?
Do you really have to ask?
Quote:Do you really have to ask?
Well I just find it funny that when someone gets pissed off at cdih.net, they right away jump up and say that we suck and are just like oa.com. But when you're here, and having fun, then everything is great. Make up your fuckin minds.
I think Maynard is the embodiment of all that was wrong at oa.com....
and that like a cancer he brought it to this board.....
everyone else is cool.
except LZ,
maybe Hybrid,
Keister Sores is a bit of a dick,
oh yead what the fuck is up with HedCold,
fbreskf and Barch are the same shit heads they always were....
Sluggo is an ass,
but other than that.....
oh and VG, thinks wayyyyy too highly of herself.
Dank's one word posts are getting stale,
oh well
i feel so appreciated:thumbs-up:
nice, im only a BIT of a dick!

neak: I didn't even make the list me~> :poke: <~Ken
Ladi, you rate a list dedicated to you alone, my sweet imperfection.
Hehehehehe, Keyser Sore. :roflmao:
I like this one better.... Parker Posey.
Quote:Parker Posey.
That was fucking hilarious. (that is, if you're talking about the same reference that I'm thinking of

I just thought it rhymed nicely. What reference were you referring to?
see, ken writes to me in pm, but i don't even rate on his list:helpme:...dick
Don't feel special, Ken writes to EVERYONE in PM.
send ya a message on that one MayMay.....
So Ken writes to you guys for affirmation, too?
Ken doesn't write to me. I guess I AM special... :bouncer:
Naaahhhhhh, yer box is always full!