Full Version: The mike tyson show
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the only guest I could think of to be worthy enough to be first on Iron Mike's talk show would be .......Billy Zane!
i'd like to see him interview ozzy
I would love to see Mikey interview Oprah. That could be the best interview ever. Actually, the way he is, it would only be Tyson's best interview until he opened up his mouth the next time.
I'd love to see Tyson get payback and interview Barbra Walters.

Actualy I woulda loved for Will Smith to have made an apperance if Tyson had a show to promote "Ali" when it was out in theatres. Imagine the possibilities when Will Smith tried play fighting to show off his skills.... bwahahahaha...

Hope Tyson doesn't conform when he gets syndicated.
I thought of an even better interview for Mike.

Rickey Henderson.
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