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Trust me, my number one is quite popular ... to a small group of people in a small villa in France.

And I'm working on it, it's hard to make a top 20 film list, I feel like John Cusack talking to the reporter in High Fidelity. I have about 30 films and adding to it and then I have to order it. My number one is definitely down though.

Edited By IkeaBoy on May 07 2002 at 4:56
Doesn't that reporter look like Alisha Klass?
Quote:Unlike Keyser, I post all my rules beforehand

You sure hold a grudge, you bitter, bitter man. Rolleyes
It would be easier if it was "Best Sci-Fi films of all time" or "Best Horror Films" or "Best Action Films". Just so many to choose from.

See what I can do. :toast:
How about best films that begin with the letter C?
Galt said it's movies past 70's...just do it or not. Christ. 2 pages of bitchin to the parameters.

And I agree, it makes it easier to keep it to modern to make the list...thus it takes out the old vs. new scenario completely. Only about 1/2 my list would make it if it was all-time...maybe.
Look no one loves movies as much as me, well maybe Ikea. I admit I was fuming at first when he said only movies made in the 70's and beyond cause I didn't feel it was fair. I was gonna lash out but I thought about it and it's a great idea.

If you ask someone what the greatest films is the majority of people will say Godfather, Citizen Kane, Casablanca, etc. Most movies in the top 20 would be movies from the 30's - 70's. But movies like Kane and Casablanca are givens by now and why even bother? We all know how great they are. Just like putting Sgt Peppers, Darkside of the moon, appetite for destruction or many other albums on your top lists. We already know most albums are just givens.

I am also very interested to participate in the list of best movies of the 80's, 90's etc. That is also a great idea, it gives us chances to put up movies we would never think of writing down on a top list. Little movies you love like for example Millers Crossing I would include in a list of best movies from the 90's but never on an all-time list or even this list.

So just jot down your choices and leave Galt alone.
Miller's Crossing...such a great movie. Barton Fink and Big Lebowski also. Coen Brothers are prob most prevelant on my list. All three are on my top 20 of 1970's and after.
damn, I could've easily put Big Lebowski in my top 20, Fargo too. Oh well, What's done is done.
the coens have made great movies, Barton Fink being my favorite of their films but if I put 5 Coen brothers movies down than that's a quarter of my list. The way I'm working on this is not just best movies but a way I can get different directors up there as well.
you think to much

Edited By HyBriD on May 11 2002 at 3:58
I'm going to be putting this in a couple days. So get them in. I've gotten around 10 so far.

Edited By Galt on May 12 2002 at 6:27
I'm on draft 6 of my list, down to about 30 now.
i did that director litmus test too, then realized it wasn't a true list, and that I was conforming to the list itself in trying to be encompassing, so i stowed it and based it on purely the movies. if they are all coen, so be it.

Fargo, however, will always be the one i like least...just doesn't do it for me. Hudsucker Proxy, which many hate, i love, but Fargo...I never liked.
I'll put this together late tonight or tomorrow morning..

I haven't received any lists in a couple days, but if you want to send one in go for it.
I can't wait
yes, the tension is palpable, isn't it.
wait til you get my list!!!:lookatme:
Quote:wait til you get my list!!!

Shake a leg
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