Full Version: Top 20 movies - Totally stolen from maynard
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I really liked the who top 20 album idea, and it made me download some songs from people I've never heard.

So the rules are the same. Make a list of up to 20 movies and they will be given a value of 1-20 (so if you only can come up with 10, your #1 still gets 20 points).

The rules:

* Only movies after 1970.
* Remember that the purpose is create a top compilation from everyone, so (ahem Ikea) if you waste your #1 pick on a movie that no one's seen, it's a pointless
* PM me the list through CDIH, and I will tabulate (and I will then erase the message to so as to conserve finite server space)
* I will publish all votes like Maynard did, and I will also not buckle to public demands to disclose who voted for what shitass movie
* I will accept the fact that Kevin Smith and his God-awful works of shit will have a very prominent place on this list without mocking or fixing the results.
* It's May 6, I figure closing it on May 15th should be sufficient time enough to get lists in. If it's not, I can wait.
* Any other questions, clarifications needed, or hijackings, post them here
Quote:I will accept the fact that Kevin Smith and his God-awful works of shit will have a very prominent place on this list without mocking or fixing the results.

Fuck off, Kevin Smith is God:hail:
Citizen Kain
Blanca and Kane came out pre-1970 (Kane was 41 and Blanca was 42). And what do you have against movies pre-1970s you unenlightened bastard?
Yeah, i don't understand the post 1970's stipulation. Whats your beef?

Perhaps he just wants to narrow the field to make it easier to tabulate.
if i don't know what year my movie came out in...does it matter?
I think this is a good idea. And I can certainly see why you'd pick a specific year. But, most of my movies on a top 20 of all time would be before 1970. So I guess I'll have to work on this a bit.
Because it is a known fact that everything Hollywood did before my lifetime was boring and stupid. I'll add on a few years to make it a round number like 1970 so the Godfather movies can be listed while Easy Rider can not.

It also narrows down the field, so with a smaller sample size it will make the results more accurate.
How can you say only movies after 1970? You're asking for "our" Top 20 movies it isn't fair to tell us we can't chose movies pre 1970.
This seems to be a sticking point. If there are not some limits on the movies, very few movies will be on multiple lists. Then there is not really any purpose on doing this.

Just like how Maynard called it "best rock album" instead of just "best album".
Fuck movies before 1970, bah on them. I like the idea of keeping it to one era, most people, including Galt, don't think movies measure up to the classics. Seriously, how many must see movies are actually released these days?

My list is in and was rather easy to comply.
A "Classic" to me is Breakin' 2.
Shit, i forgot to add The Eletric Bugaloo to my fuckin list. That and Titanic, it made me cry.
I don't like the idea of not including movies made before 1970. That would probably kill 90% of my list if I were to submit one.

I do have an idea for a compromise though, something I did for another website. Rather than doing a definitive "Best Movies" list, we broke it down into decades: Top 20 90's movies, Top 20 80's movies, etc. Just something to ponder...
OK. Great idea. This list is best movies after 1970. Hop to it Sir O

Are there any other arbritrary rules I should know about before compiling my list? I wouldn't want to include Dahong Denglong Gaogao Gua or Ran or Akira, only to discover that Asian films are ineligible...
Asian films are most certainly eligable. As are movies like Romper Stomper. Movies that might be great, but very few people have seen.

Feel free to put them in, but realize that it won't finish anywhere near the top since no one has seen it.

Any arbitrary rules have already been posted. Unlike Keyser, I post all my rules beforehand
It did help narrow down the field though to be honest by doing what you did. I still wanna fuck you tyson style for pooping on great films pre-1970 you bastard. But my love for you will concur all.
Quote:Feel free to put them in, but realize that it won't finish anywhere near the top since no one has seen it.

So it will be pretty much the same as my albums list. I don't mind.

These things are so easy to call, I could probably guess at least 15 of the 20 movies that will make the overall list.
Quote:Remember that the purpose is create a top compilation from everyone, so (ahem Ikea) if you waste your #1 pick on a movie that no one's seen, it's a pointless

I think the more unknown movies the better, honestly sometimes depending who posts it, I will go and rent/see the movie they reccomend because they tend to be pretty on target with what's good.
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