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Hey Hybrid, honey, you know you're money and everything but... I can't go around giving it away. I'm sure you could work out some type of package discount deal with the head honcho here though.
That's my baby.......
We'll see him once a month when he gets paid for the paper route.
all members of the kingdom get free "time" with silera though dont they? :-) she is the sex wench isnt she? :-D
times change kid,
hit the bricks.

btw, age jokes ALWAYS funny. Confusedneak:

Edited By HyBriD on May 08 2002 at 5:42
::The Pimp of All Pimps walks in::
::bitch slaps Ken til he screams like a girl::

Now get in line with the rest of the women Ken. You're MY bitch now!

Dorothy - how about you come over here and show this midget the way to Yellow Brick Road?;-)
Quote:::The Pimp of All Pimps walks in::
[Image: sho1.jpg]
<span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'>?????????????????????????</span>

Edited By HyBriD on May 08 2002 at 6:13
Hybrid gets a freebie for the Last Dragon pic. NICE!!! [Image: cheering.gif]

And yes, as The Sex Wench © Hybrid, in the kingdom and in the growroom I am bound to the agreement however, a girl has to make a living.
:bouncer: yay! :bouncer: i win!

save this for your buddy danked:

I named my "cat" toto. 1 COOKIE

Group: Members
Posts: 420
Joined: Mar. 2002

Edited By HyBriD on May 08 2002 at 6:45
why do i have a feeling alkey doesnt have to pay, either?
Alkey hasn't visited the brothel yet... so the question is moot.
Fine, fbd, you've extorted a freebie out of me...just don't expect this to be a regular thing.
well i no longer care about my question...i've gotten a better answer then i was hoping for
I got my bitches turning tricks all day,
yet my cash flow blows.........

(pinch yer self Grumpy, yer dreamin again)
nothing to see here...

Edited By fbdlingfrg on May 08 2002 at 10:10
Ssssssssshhhhhhhh!!! :bouncer:

You're going to get me fired.
hmmmm...i might edit it...for a small fee
How about you get one freebie for every 10 you pay for in full?
and its gone
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