Full Version: That's odd - Strange but true
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I saw this story in one of those free community newspapers when I was on the Elliptical machine (Precor EFX546 - the best fucking invention in the history of the world), and I just burst out laughing.

I can't wait to show my roommates the story. I flip out all the time when they beat me in Madden.
First thought is that it was funny that someone named Mario killed someone over a video game.

Then I realized it was Mario Lopez and got depressed over the fate of our friend A.C. Slater, I guess the Male View just stopped working :disappointed:
i thought i told you to go back to your entertainment hole and stay there!!!
that didn't sound to nice arpi, are you changing back?
Do you think I care what you say Arpi!?
Besides Saved by the Bell is Entertainment related
Quote:Besides Saved by the Bell is Entertainment related
Entertainment? More like vomit inducer.
Quote:Besides Saved by the Bell is Entertainment related
only you would think so
Saved by the Bell was a great great show. Just becuase you were already out of the college when the show came out, old man, is no reason to be mean
Quote:Saved by the Bell was a great great show. Just becuase you were already out of the college when the show came out, old man, is no reason to be mean
quit stalking me
screech didn't get enough credit. he carried that show.
They showed the episode today with the 5 minute rule. Greatest show ever. <font color="EEEEEE">

Edited By The Sleeper on May 09 2002 at 8:21
5 minute rule?

Is that anything like "calling fives"?
It's the rule where if the teacher doesn't come into class within 5 minutes of the bell ringing, class is automatically dismissed. Coined by Zach Morris, and used in high schools all over the country now.
Quote:"calling fives"

No one ever uses that!!! Everytime I try and call fives, people look at me crosseyed. The few people that have ever heard of the concept call it "one-five's", like I'm actually expected to wait for them for 15 minutes?

Quote:screech didn't get enough credit. he carried that show
screech came to my high school once to tell us not to drink and drive on prom night, then he lip sinked to gin and juice Rolleyes
so is calling fives the same thing as the five minute rule?:confused:

Edited By HedCold on May 09 2002 at 10:24
The life span of a taste bud is ten days.
That is why you should drink all the beer you can and eat all of the pussah you can so those little buggers can live there life to the fullest.
A squids eye can grow as large as a volleyball...snapple cap
Gotta love those snapple caps.
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