Full Version: I'd like to introduce - A friend
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I fear change
Then why do you constantly bring it upon yourself?
Quote:Then why do you constantly bring it upon yourself?
i got a tell ya, i find the new you sexy as hell!
Quote:i got a tell ya, i find the new you sexy as hell!
He was always sexy as hell, but he's not BOB.
Okay, maybe I don't have a friend.
That's what I was thinking.
Hey, no green for you!:fuckoff:
Quote:Okay, maybe I don't have a friend.
Your friends suck.
Quote:Hey, no green for you!
How 'bout some brown you slice with a razor?
:-( Not in about 5 years
That's 'cuz you don't have any friends.:firebounce:
care to share mr. sluggo sir...just a small smell:fuggin:
...this is a bigger letdown than the "Big Announcement" :disappointed:
i forgot about that...what a letdown. hi sluggo:lookatme:
the fag is probably out rollerblading
hello all, sorry about the delay in getting here, but it dosen't look like there is much going on now, i guess this is a weekday type of thing. i'll be back
Well...So nice of you to make yourself known...
As long as you're not BOB...
You'll probably do ok.
thanks, but how do i do one of those sigs?
and just for the record, i don't suck cock either
Quote:thanks, but how do i do one of those sigs?
haha, i like him :lol: :lol: :lol:
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