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Who the fuck let Alkey re-sign with a new name?
This has got to stop.
Quote:Who the fuck let Alkey re-sign with a new name?
This has got to stop.
Yeah, and he grew up in Elizabeth. He definatley likes the darkies.
no, i don't have a small penis, you can ask the aol stalker that can't get enough of it. as for bball, i'm just glad that they don't wear the short shorts anymore.
Yeah, some fat chic told him he had girth (sp?).
and she's not the only one to say it, i can't help it if the ladies love it. the problem is once is never enough for them, and then they bring their friends
Another fat chic?
Lent? GW have you been conspiring w/the enemy?
Haha! He actually stays away from the goth chics. T
hey DGW. fat chicks need love too! and besides, every girl looks great when all you see is the top of her head
Quote:every girl looks great when all you see is the top of her head
Insert Grumpy's mom joke here.

Okay Cassanova, I forgot you were a player. Ha! But me thinks we should hit the Office tomorrow after softball.
Are they everywhere? One in Morristown, saw one in Summit (? I think)
Manyy Orafices...excuse, Offices. Yeah, the one in Cranford gets mobbed with birds on Wednesday. Grrrrrrrrrr.or whatever that drooling sound Homer makes
never said i was a playa, you know me, too damn shy for my own good. its easy to talk trash here. as for the office, count me in
Maybe a playa hater????
Since you didn't use PM's ..... we're all invited right?
i'm not a playa, i just crush alot
The gig is up, my friend is Unicron!!!
what the hell is a unicron? is it contagious?
yes, you have to douse yourself in coffee & run outside naked
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