Full Version: When you're sick...?
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Thank you everyone who helped except for Arpi. His condescention vexes me.
Quote:No health insurance + no primary care physician = how much of a hassle will it be to get a friggin tetanus shot?
Impale yourself on a chainlink fence post.
does the school your going to have their own little medical office where you go and get it from them?
Quote:Ebstein Barr Virus.....

God damn you woman I never wanna hear that again.
I VERY rarely get sick. Missed only one day of school in highschool. Day before Christmas vacation got massively sick (flu). Sick for two days.

Didn't get sick again until this year. Got the flu and was in bed for a week. Really nasty. Didn't have the energy to do anything. Great weight loss program though. Got the ball rolling and now I'm almost down to my ideal wieght. By the time I get back to NY I will be. :thumbs-up: (Not that I had that much to lose to begin with.)

Funny thing though. I don't get alergies normally, but every time I go rollerblading in the park here, I get a runny nose. Must be the foreign pollen or something.

Gotta agree with Galt though, I never take medication unless I really have to. Rather let my I.S. deal with it. I call it the George Carlin school of medicine. Go swim in the Hudson.
I too rarley get sick. I used to get regular headaches but those passed years ago. I rarely take medicine, though I do take vitamins on a semi regular basis. I'm lucky, everyone in my family has allergy problems but me. I just got stuck with lousy eyesight.
Quote:I just got stuck with lousy eyesight.
Beer goggles?

:bouncer: weeeee home today!
Do you need someone to come over to make you feel better today Ladi?
As a matter a fact, the house is empty..... gonna bring your 'thermometer'?
Quote:gonna bring your 'thermometer'?
And my exam gloves. :loveya:
Quote:God damn you woman I never wanna hear that again.

EeeeeK!!!! :-o
Beer googles....sometimes, but that has nothing to do with my poor sight. That's just alchohol playing with my feeble mind.
If you get beer goggles, and then take of your coke bottle glasses, do you see normally?
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