Full Version: If you could be a film character
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Who would you wanna be?

I'd love to be James Bond, I mean come on. The guy is super fuckin cool, has one of the most exciting jobs. Plus he can kick some serious ass, always gets the greatest toys. Plus he gets laid all the time and always wins in the end. He is the total package, looks, style, and machismo.
Gotta agree with Bond on the girl factor alone.

But, if getting laid by the hottest women in the world isn't top priority, I'd have to pick being a captain in Starfleet. Not specificly Kirk or Picard (or even Archer), but just me in charge of a starship on missions like that. If there were an organization like starfleet now, I'd join.

Starfleet is:
1. Impartial military force that fights the bad guys and protects the innocent. Like if the UN had a powerful military that wasn't loyal to any specific nation.
2. Scientific Research. Just going around exploring new places and doing experiments with the top scientists anywhere.
3. Humanitarian Aide. Like the Coast Guard, Red Cross, and FEMA all rolled into one.
4. Setting up Colonies on distant worlds and shipping supplies and people.

And all in a really comfortable ship, with mixed crews, daycare, a nice bar on the ship, and holodecks that are way better than TV and movies.
<table style=filter:glow(color=GREEN)>NEO</table> MOTHEFUCKERS
3. Blade
any character in a warren miller movie
Steve McQueen just because he was so cool.
vincent vega up until he gets blown away by butch with his own gun.
Mr. Blonde
the pizza delivery guy
[Image: arrow.gif]
star trek nerd
Bond is the most obvious choice. Bateman, Durden, Narrator, Joe Young, Tom Haden, Han many.

Edited By IkeaBoy on May 10 2002 at 3:22
Anyone who gets to nail Jessica Alba.
definetly Bond....or my boy JAY...c' get to smoke weed all day, hang with Silent Bob, hang in front of the Quick-Stop and deal to little kids....and bang Shannon Elizabeth....sweet

in reality Im John Cusak from High life stinks Confuseduicide:
Quote:Steve McQueen just because he was so cool.

Cooler than the waste basket in an eskimo abortion clinic.

Definetly Frank Bullitt though none cooler than McQueen in Bullitt.
Nice Arpi! You made me laugh first thing on a Monday morning. I dislike you a lot less now. :bouncer: