Full Version: Introducing new york's hottest new museum.... - The museum of salad
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Quote:B) I never said anyone I know does have powers.
Magus does.

So wait, why would they put national BBQ month right next to national salad month? Do they want you to try both an choose? WTF?
mmmmmmmmmm, BBQ
So Polly likes sausage and pickles...I'm sensing a pattern.....You like zuchini too?
I heard Maymay showed up to this place with a jar of jelly in one hand and a jug of syrup in the other.
I love zuchinni
Quote:So wait, why would they put national BBQ month right next to national salad month? Do they want you to try both an choose? WTF?
because whenever you bbq you have to have that obligatory little pile of lettuce and stuff with your meat so you don't feel too guilty?
Quote:because whenever you bbq you have to have that obligatory little pile of lettuce and stuff with your meat so you don't feel too guilty?
I hate it when people put lettuce on my meat.
well, i didn't necessarily mean on it. ok, maybe it's just me but whenever my family barbequed there was always a big bowl of salad to go with it, and corn on the cob and baked potato and well, lots of stuff really, ya know, potato salad, macaroni saladetc... bbq and salad go hand in hand...
mmmmm....macaroni salad....mmmmmm
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