Ok, i will admit that i have encouraged maynerd all along, but i have reached my limit!!!! i can no longer deal with this FREAK!!!! My problem is that he wont go away. no matter what i say to him he just wont leave me alone!!!!!! Someone save me from this fucking weirdo!!!!
:loveya: :loveya: :loveya:
You love every goddamn second of it.
i used to, now i am just scared
Hey, this was funnier the first 12421312213 times!!!
Quote:Hey, this was funnier the first 12421312213 times!!!
No, not really. You didn't see what I said to him in AIM. :rofl:
Quote:No, not really. You didn't see what I said to him in AIM.

hivers with disgust::
My jeans are getting tight.....
Quote:My jeans are getting tight.....
lay off the donuts
My prostate is pulsating for you....
:::vomiting uncontrollably::
Apri, put me back on your list and I will kick his ass.
I have that OZ rage pulsing through me right now.....
I am going to stomp him in the yard then shank his ass.
Go ahead, try and kill me. I can have you hog tied and be raping you in 3 seconds flat.
MayMay, you are human veal..... who are you kidding?