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Quote:it wasnt intended to be a good movie, it was made to be an intro to people

Fbdl your point is well taken but just because it's an intro to the saga doesn't mean it cant be a good movie. The things that fucked it up was just like ikea said. In the end you had not one character you could care about. And really if you look at it nothing really that exciting happen in TPM. And too answer the orginal topic here. I will not be going opening night. I'll wait till the weekend to check it out.
Did anyone happen to go see this last night? I heard on Stern this morning that it was better than Phantom Menace, but still not great. Up until the last 30 minutes.

I still can't wait, just for all the cool shit to look at, if nothing else. But still, I don't think it will do better than Spiderman. Spiderman just kicked ass.
i will be going on friday night, not gonna go on thursday...
i also don't think it will break $114Mil opening weekend...but will probably get like $100Mil and fall just short of the huge record...

spiderman was good, but i not the best ever...don't give it more credit than it deserves
Certainly not. I don't think Spiderman was the best ever. In fact, the green goblins mask annoyed the fuck out of me the entire movie. With all the money they spent on it, they couldnt get the fucking mouth to move? Either through a rubber mask, or CGI???
spidermans mouth didn't move either when he spoke...that was kinda fucked up also...if raimi had panned back on the camera a little bit during the scenes where spiderman is going building to building, it would have looked more real, much more realistic...but that is just nitpicking...i am not fooling anyone, i will own this dvd the day it comes out
That's true. Spidermans mouth was covered by the mask. But that really didn't bother me as much as the goblins mouth in the dumb ass grin.
you could see through the mouth of goblin's mask see defoe talking if you wanted to...personally i was disappointed that they didn't do slow motion over kirsten dunst in the rain scenes
i'm seeing a noon showing of clones on thursday at the Uptown theater in D.C. which is apparently one of the best places to see such a movie. We'll see.

and yes, spiderman did indeed rule.
Before you doubt the power of the force, remember Spider-Man opened on a Friday. This opens on a Thursday technically with midnight screenings that day. it has a whole other day to get dominance.

and for the record i'm more excited about Spider-man than I am about Star Wars.
I'll be there at midnight. It will be the best movie EVER. Spiderman was a chick flick.
OK, so this pertains to anyone in the north jersey area.
I found out that the Jersey Gardens Mall is showing Attack of The Clones in DIGITAL!!!

It's one of the few theatres around that is equipped for digital, and I will be there basking in all of it's glory.
looks like i know where i am going friday!! first ikea, then the late show of star wars...very nice.
Star Wars will not break Spiderman's opening day record for one reason: It will not be opening in as many theatres as Spiderman did. George Lucas, in his all powerful and all knowing judgement, has decreed that if your Theatre does not have THX Sound systems (or a similar level of performance sound system), your theatre doesnt get the "privilidge" of showing Episode 2, simple as that. This means that all the small town theatres, all the mom and pop places, and all the sub-par theatres will not be allowed to show AoTC at all, forcing everyone to see the movie at the super-duper-gigantic-megaloplex theatre that has sticky floors and shitty seating. Thanks George Lucas, you misreable fuck!
Yeah, I heard that too Seph, but I didn't realize it was because of the sound.
Quote:looks like i know where i am going friday!! first first ikea
Wait- what?

Also when comparing grosses of SM and SW remember SW is opening nearly two days earlier (counting the midnight showings of which there were none for Spider-Man) than SM.
Quote:Yeah, I heard that too Seph, but I didn't realize it was because of the sound.

Oh, it gets better. Why does your theatre have to be THX? Because George Lucas owns THX! That's right folks! Buy his system or you dont get his movies! Corporate blackmail at it's finest! At least the DVD sales of AoTC will be huge, since half of America wasnt allowed to see it in theatres! Thanks George Lucas, you MISREABLE FUCK!!!
well, I am going at 10 tomorrow morning, I suck. I couldn't deal with the midnight crowd. I may luck out and have some room in the theatre for once.
tickets are bought, me and my brother will be there in under 3 hours
i got my tix for the 8:00 showing at menlo mall tomorrow. yay me. :bouncer:
i'll probably see it sunday night. i can't stand crowds of people. i saw spiderman on the sunday it came out and there were only 10 other people in the theater. i'm going to have to pick up the phantom dvd over the weekend because i really don't remember all that much from the movie and i don't want to be lost. hopefully, it will be an entertaining few hours.
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