If you could kill Maynard, with a promise you'd never be arrested, would you?
You get a 1 for originality.
If I could change the person I could kill...YES.
Haven't I see this thread 12 times already?
I am not looking for originality,
I just needed a place to vent,
my hatred for Maynard is growing,
I can't control the urge anymore.
Quote:my hatred for Maynard is growing,
I can't control the urge anymore.
You need to bask in tv's warm glowing warming glow.
I can help you...
I'll kill you first.
this is worse than a game thread
Everyone who does not wish to share their hatred of MayMay can find other threads to read.
I do not intend this to entertain,
just to express my deep hatred for the man.
It's my forum, I'll defile if I want to. :moonie:
Quote:I am not looking for originality,
I just needed a place to vent
Did the other 500 fucking threads not give you enough room to vent?
Quote:the man.
You assume too much.
obligatory post

I don't know Maynard, you seem to start a new thread about yourself every day.
I just wanted my own thread to express my loathing of you.
Quote:I don't know Maynard, you seem to start a new thread about yourself every day.
Again, you assume too much. Not everything is as it seems grasshopper.
Fuck YOU!!!
You and your, "hate people who don't get it crap"
fuck off!!!!
Ken, you are just making him happier by posting about him. If you hate him, ignore him.
I try to ignore him,
it doesn't work,
Only with his death,
will I smile again.
Quote:I try to ignore him,
it doesn't work,
Only with his death,
will I smile again.
Again, you assume.
Fuck off,
fuck you and your cryptic bullshit,
trying to sound deeper than the shallow sack of shit you are.
If you build it, they will come.