Full Version: 5 minutes and counting!!!
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if you do not post in this thread within the next 5 minutes then i think it is blatantly obvious that you are a raving homosexual.
Even if i did post in the alloted time, would it stop the rumors?
blaha bl;ahbd;askf;laksdas
Wait, when does the 5 minutes start??
Quote:Even if i did post in the alloted time, would it stop the rumors?
im not a raving homsexiuale
Quote:im not a raving homsexiuale
whatever, sluggo
I missed the cut off,
apparently the rumors ARE true.
Did we have any doubts Ken?
i posted within 5 minutes of seeing the thread, does that count?
im mesmerized by your avatar skitch
I'm gaey! I mean I did wear a light red shirt yesterday...but gaey?
i bet you are amy
im wondering why if hes tit fucking her, why is her shirt still on
She's probably got a woner bra on.....friggin decieving things!
skitch, tell that bitch to take her shirt off
i will work on it, she is kinda prudish thogh
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