Full Version: The phlegm report
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Don't sweat it until it turns plaid :thumbs-up:
Polly's right, Ladi.
Go see a doc, silly, especially if you keep getting sick like this on and off.
It could be sinusitis, allergies, or bronchitis. You may be at the point where you need an antibiotic. Oh...and believe don't want to get pnuemonia. You could end up hospitalized.
Quote:Oh...and believe don't want to get pnuemonia.

Only thing worse than pnemonia is the f'n shot..I couldn't use my arm for like a week.... Undecided If you don't want to go to the doc, you could always gargle with your own urine, I hear that's what they do in India to cure infections.
Quote:Only thing worse than pnemonia is the f'n shot..I couldn't use my arm for like a week....
One shot? Usually it is several shots. The patient comes in over several days and gets one shot each day of 2 or 3 grams of Rocephin.

Oh...and another thing, when you get sick and then you get better, ditch the toothbrush and replace it with a new one, or at least soak the old one in peroxide. Toothbrushes can get you sick all over again.
I went to the doctor last time when it turned to the ear infection.

I did get Vicoprofen (painkillers) though, that might be worth a trip :bouncer:
You gonna share the Vico???
I did. Went out & since I couldn't drink w/the antibiotics, I took three, gave a friend two, and had a grand ol time. :thumbs-up: Another friend was telling me her tragic love story, and I was practically smiling. Just mellowed out.
Quote:Toothbrushes can get you sick all over again.

Thats why i stick mine up my ass first.
It's baaaaaaaaaaaack!

Opaque cream colored
Quote:You gonna share the Vico???
you can gimme some of those as payment for the cds that i burned for you:thumbs-up:
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