OK, it's not a game....
It's post the punchline.
"...if 10 shots haven't killed the taste, another one won't matter."
shit eventually turns white
Cantaloupes don't have AIDS
Grumpy's Mom!!!!
(what? it KILLED the first 8,962 times)
rectum?damn near killed 'em!
is she weighs as much as a duck.... she's a witch
and so the duck says, suck my dick and put it on my bill
all the blacks swimming back to africa with a jew under each arm!
i touched it once and it spat on me
They got millions of them running around there....
The O'Malley twins are at it again.
in Africa, there's millions of them there.
"you gotta kill those nigger eggs before they hatch"
you wave at him.
Your Mom's on the roof and she won't come down.
as popular as a ghetto coon in the backwoods of texas
liquor? I don't even know her....
every time I drink budweiser, my pussy hurts..
"i've been eating it his way so long, i decided it was time to eat it my way"