Full Version: Gayest sport ever?
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I'd go with soccer.
Mass genocide is the most exhausting practice one can engage in. Next to soccer.
I like how the one time you enter this forum, its to reply to a thread about gay sports. Too funny.
I'm still trying to figure out what cricket is. Even watching it for a few minutes I can't figure it out.

Soccer's good to play, sucks ass to watch.

Synchronized Swimming is MASSIVELY gay. It's slow motion ballet. Has a big lead on figure skating. Figure Skating requires more skill and physical stength. And if your fucking your female partner, than it's less gay.
sync swimming is by far the gayest
I wanted to vote for Baseball.......

AD, cricket games can last weeks.... Better to watch some of those bizarre Irish/Scotish games where they carry a lacosse ball on a kidney shaped paddle and get different points if the ball goes over the net, in the net, carried into the net, headed into the net, shot just wide of the net,.....
Quote:I'd go with soccer.

Blasphemy!!! :fuckoff:

Soccer is by far from the gayest sport! You try running up and down the field 10 times and see how gay it is.

Gayest would have to be either cricket or curling.
Confusedneak: Big meanie.
how is soccer gay? it's BY FAR one of the hardest sports. 90 minutes without a break, and no pads. dont bash something because you cant play.
Curling is Wisconsin darts. You drink much beer and throw a rock and then drink an eff load more beer. If someone on your team falls over why sweeping, the whole team has to do a 22 ouncer. Curling is a drinking sport. Making it Olypic is just sad, but they did make ribbon gymnasics....
Quote:Curling is Wisconsin darts. You drink much beer and throw a rock and then drink an eff load more beer. If someone on your team falls over why sweeping, the whole team has to do a 22 ouncer. Curling is a drinking sport.
Sounds like my kinda sport. It always looks gay on TV, but there might me more to it.
You left out wrestling.
Quote:You left out wrestling.
Good point, that would've pissed off Hybrid even more.
wrestling sucks. i watch for trish and only trish. maybe stacey... yea, definitely stacey too.
football...err soccer sucks. why do we still have the MLS??
lents sexlife
Quote:football...err soccer sucks. why do we still have the MLS??
Noone asked for your input. Thanks.
Fucking a man in the ass and then letting him suck the shit off of your dick.
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