Full Version: Th e official drunk thread - wow am i loa ded
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yes, yes we are.
laz's jealousy of my previous post count is becoming a problem
Since I now have the larger post count, does that mean, Rooner>Arpi?
Arpikarhu Wrote:laz's jealousy of my previous post count is becoming a problem
what the hell are you talking about buddy *big hug*
FIX IT!!!!!
Rooner Wrote:Since I now have the larger post count, does that mean, Rooner>Arpi?
<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>FIX IT!!!</span>
Quote:Post Average: 0.06 posts per day

Calm down buddy you are gonna start breaking records.
<span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'>FIX IT!!!</span>
i'd do it but, alas, i don't know how
anything you want that i can actually do?
i thought i was your buddy arpi?
HedCold Wrote:i'd do it but, alas, i don't know how
anything you want that i can actually do?
i told you and you ignored it.
Black Lazerus Wrote:i thought i was your buddy arpi?
i give up. i aint gonna beg. you win.
Arpikarhu Wrote:
HedCold Wrote:i'd do it but, alas, i don't know how
anything you want that i can actually do?
i told you and you ignored it.
I am drunk and high and chached

I Love college

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