Full Version: What's your favorite new car?
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Why Acura you ask?

Because she's cheap and attainable.
Quote:Because she's cheap and attainable.
Quote:$46,960.20 that price it hardly seems cheap to me. :clueless:
A mere bag of shells... eh Luna?
Yeah....uh huh...I wish. Rolleyes
Quote:Looks like a tree already fell on it
Not funny!
[Image: TBR02CVT_general.gif]
What is that vehicle, Banana_juice?
i also like this as a sporty car...

[Image: 01dodgerazor.jpg]

or a different truck style

[Image: 02jeepwillys.jpg]
it is the new ford thunderbirds. they remade them and re released them in 2001.. pretty sweet, ey
The back end of that looks like a Spyder, but according to the link, it's a Ford. Never saw it before.

I actually have a car that I love. A Jetta. Not the 6 cylinder, but its the fully loaded 4. Decent pickup, and theres no problem getting it up to 120 mph. Fully loaded (except for the heated washer nozzles). I love VW's, I had a Golf before this. My next may be another Jetta, turbo. I wasn't crazy about the pickup on the 6 cylinder. Since I do most of my driving on local type streets, I like the pickup. If I did more highway driving, I'd opt for the 6. Or, I may move up to an Audi.

Awww hell, maybe I'll just sell my Jetta, and buy a shitty motorcycle and be done with it.
i cant drive
maynard, my friend has a jetta 6, and he is happy with it. he does more highway driving, so that may be why. a person at my office traded up to the audi a4 instead of another jetta also...
bj, a guy at my office drives the new thunderbird, a black one, suit looking car!
Quote:i cant drive
Maybe you should get "it".
Quote:i cant drive
Put your pants back on
Quote:Maybe you should get "it".

Fuck that. If I wanted something with a go-cart motor, I saw some sweet looking skooters yesterday. They look like mini-motorcycles, not like those seats with wheels you normally see. Even had a back seat for your moped chick. :lol: What looks like a gas tank is really a storage space you can fit a helmet in. Top speed around 70mph. Pretty good if you NEVER go on the highways. The ones I saw were abotu £1500 = $2175.
Quote:Maybe you should get "it".
i've got my go-ped, i'm cool
:rofl: The tag line is Priceless.... I didn't even change it!!!

[Image: vespa.jpg]

Too much time over there Dent? Becoming a Mod? :lol:
Quote:Too much time over there Dent?
15 more days. Just 15 more days...
thank you for reminding me of my pain :disappointed:
[Image: 03Cobra_burnout.jpg]

[Image: 03Cobra_fisheye.jpg]

$35K - 390 hp

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