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Pages: 1 2 3
I think seeing the pic of you in the shower is about my limit, thanks.
Quote:i have been posing for myself all afternoon so no problem

I'm dry heaving again.

Are you wearin the sombrero again? :lol:
where did he put the sombrero?
Quote:where did he put the sombrero?
On his head you insinuating homo!
my bad, i was just curious is all
[Image: mefinger.jpg]
Nice curtains. :chuckle:
Quote:Nice curtains. :chuckle:
they were the most hideous fabric i could find
Take another pic with that finger in your nose.
Quote:they were the most hideous fabric i could find
Well then, you win!!
Quote:shouldnt you be loaded, IMing people gibberish?

Probably Seph hijacking a payload of ICBM's and shooting down satellites again.
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