I loved the Matrix. The music was cool, the CGI was awesome, the way they told the story was captivating. I loved the style and look of the movie. I describe the feeling I had watching it as the same one I got the first time I saw Pulp Fiction. The truly good movies, at least the ones that turn you on, give you that chill up your spine. Its an individual thing, and an emotional reaction. The Matrix was just one of those movies that made stood out at the time and hit a nerve.
Saw Johny Neumonic on tv recently. Keunu Reeves performance was HORRIBLE! There's one scene where he's supposed to be really pissed, scared, and just losing his shit. Instead he's so stiff it looks like he's got a coat hanger in his jacket and coat rack up his ass as he delivers his rant in a monotone and looks like it's taking all his concentration to figure out what direction to pace in next.
It's really a shame that a William Gibson short story got treated so horribly. I don't think we'll ever see Neromancer (or even better Mona Lisa Overdrive) turned into a movie. It did make me want to go back and read those books again since it's been years since I read them and I barely remember them.