Ok, so today (and most of this week) is sucking the like out of me.... if I was the dramatic type I'd be in the bathroom right now trying to slit my wrists with my scissors....
So if you were going to kill yourself, what would you use?
If not afraid to die, just to die painfully. I think I'd try a gun. Seems quick & easy.
I wouldn't have to clean up the mess anyway, maybe I'd go outside even, try to be considerate of who ever has to find me.
i would have maynerd keep filling my ass with jizz till i exploded
i would have spitfire sit on my face until i could breath no longer, while VG rides me to the pearly gates
I hear ya Ladi...the last couple weeks have almost been the death of me...
I'd probably go the OD route...lots of Vicodins maybe ...do it somewhere quiet so no one can fuck it up for you
That would suck. You finally get up the nerve or the distress enough to do it. You write the note & a will. Clean your house........ and someone comes over & fucks it up. Then you'd have to explain what you were doing.... or try to make them leave, and then psych yourself up for it again.
After all that ya might as well just live. :lol:
Depends if I wanted to make a statement, I wanted it done quickly and painlessly or if I wanted to do a huge show of it and make it memorable. I'll get back with the answers of all three soon. But I would work at a suicide hotline.
Edited By IkeaBoy on May 17 2002 at 1:40
I dunno...
It would be a terrible waste of a great car, but...
I think 160 mph into a bridge embutment(sp?), no seatbelt, would do the trick.
I'd go out like Michael Hutchence.
Erotic asphyxiation.
if you asphyxiated yourself it would be erotic
autoerotic then
Do you think you could smoke evough pot to kill yourself?
I thought I did once :lol: First time I hit a bong (3ft), I'd just had 4 Wisdom theeth out, so I had open holes in my mouth, and I was zonked out of my gourd.
I always thought I would die in an avalanche in the back country of idaho on my skis...it would suck cause i would suffer, but to die doing what you love would be great
I also think it would be cool to set your suicide up like a murder so that someone you really hate would be blamed.
You'd have to smoke up many more times your body weight of marijuana in a short period to kill yourself. Of course you'd be feeling too fucked up to keep going for the bong.
And hanging is the best. Slitting your wrists and guns are the pussies way out.
i'm with sluggo i think i would do it while driving. just steer off the road or cliff at some really fast speed and see how far you can get the car to go. you'd be dead but everyone would be like 'he really made that car fly'
I would keep masturbating til my prickhole bleeds to death.
i'd go the car route as well.
An overdose of insulin........or morphine........nighty nite!

Thanks for the idea, Luna. My mom is an insulin dependent diabetic, I can snag a needle and a bottle of insulin.
Quote:Thanks for the idea, Luna. My mom is an insulin dependent diabetic, I can snag a needle and a bottle of insulin.
damn, combined with your dad dying of lung cancer, you must be a sad little puppy.
Quote:I think 160 mph into a bridge embutment(sp?), no seatbelt, would do the trick.
this is a good idea but i'd do it on a bike. i would need to start one of those police chases. get all the news channels in their helicopters video taping me then i would either fly of a cliff or drive right into an abutment. i would probably have to fly out to california, i don't think i've ever seen a televised chase here in NY.