Full Version: Naked pictures of froy.....
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I've already celebrated that holiday.

It's overrated.

I just got sick.
I haven't celebrated that one yet. I'm waiting to celebrate Silera day first. :disappointed:
Quote:The thing is, he probably would have sent them to her as herself if she just asked. heh
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

and my vote goes for evil. :burnfucker:
Quote:Your logic is fuzzy, and just because I have a problem with her, you're going to take her side and try and jab at me.

Nope, don't think so. Not gonna work.

did I say I was taking anybody's side? I can speak my mind....with and without a keyboard...Im just saying that if I didn't "agree" with something I wouldn't participate in it. I would ignore it and find something else to do. Stop being a baby!
Quote:I haven't celebrated that one yet. I'm waiting to celebrate Silera day first.

Are you saying you want pics of me lying in bed holding my pussy?
Quote:Are you saying you want pics of me lying in bed holding my pussy?

damn, ya got me GMANN, it's all just me being a baby.
i want those pics too silera
Quote:i want those pics too silera
C-BLOCKER!!!!! :fuckoff:
Yes, please!!!
don't worry maynard, i just want to see them
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