Yet once again the WW(whatever the fuck they want to call themselves this week) shows that they only serve to amuse themselves.
When are they going to learn that their own amusement does not equal $?
Guess it is going to take another XFL type turn to maybe slam them in the heads with a couple of 2x4's and make their asses wake up to the fucking real world.
Um, what are you talking about?
just nod and smile, and walk away slowly...
Quote:When are they going to learn that their own amusement does not equal $?
Well if that was true then how did Vince become a fucking billionaire? And it sounds like your still watching.
Quote:Well if that was true then how did Vince become a fucking billionaire?
They used to be all about the fans and doing what the fans actually wanted to see.
Quote:And it sounds like your still watching.
Unfortunately, sad but true. I at one time would watch wrestling none stop if I could. But as of late, I find myself repulsed by what is on the t.v. I just have this glimmer of hope that they will turn things around and actually do something that the fans actually want to see instead of amusing themselves by burying ex WCW and ECW wrestlers for a change. Is it too much to ask to put a little credibilty in Booker T and RVD?
Edited By Jack Meehoff on May 22 2002 at 12:08
I personaly have given up hope for wrestling. This Sunday that just past marked the first in over five years that I didn't bother watching the PPV. Didn't bother with Raw or Smackdown either. It is just a shitty product that I am no longer willing to invest my time in watching.
I personally still watch, although not with the enthusiasm I once did. But come on Jack, did you really want to see Doink? Gillberg? Tugboat? Come on dude, they have always been about doing what they want. They gauge storylines on the reactions of the live crowd, and lately the crowds have been popping huge. Sure most of the hardcore fans are pissed off, and wish that hogan would fall in a hole, pull taker with him and have it filled in with cement, but that ain't happening anytime soon. As long as the casual fan is happy, thats all that vince and co. are concerned with. Am I happy, fuck no, I hate this shit, give me benoit v jericho 5* matches any day, but people want to see rikishi and taker and hogan so that is what we get stuck with...hopefully they can sneak some real WRESTLING onto the show to keep us happy...that is what we need to hope for.
Would you like some cheese with that wine??

Ok, since Arpikarhu posted something that didn't contribute to the subject, I will too... Jack Meehoff, Nice sig pic. :-D
From one fellow newbie to another....... Thank You
this is whoring x10. it loses it's fun after like 2 min.