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Okay Metal calm down. Wink

So Metal, roast beef and what for lunch?

Becky, do me favor? :got head:

Edited By DGW on Jan. 25 2002 at 1:19
Quote:Becky, do me favor?
you gotta :eatme: first??
DGW Wrote:So Metal, roast beef and what for lunch?
[callback] I believe 2 hot dogs next to each other, bent in a convex way ever so slightly with some nice roast beef in between them [/callback]

How does that sound DGW? Oh yeah, you're not drinking a beer yet??
i am having a glass of water right now. i hope that you are all drinking something delicious and satisfying.
I have four cups of coffee near me and I don't know which is the fresh one
Arpikarhu Wrote:i am having a glass of water right now. i hope that you are all drinking something delicious and satisfying.
Could you go slit your wrists for us?
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:i am having a glass of water right now. i hope that you are all drinking something delicious and satisfying.
Could you go slit your wrists for us?
Vertically, just remember... cut vertically.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Vertically, just remember... cut vertically.
vertically!? Oh I'm such a tool!
Metal, I heard that the other day too.....nice!

Sorry Becky, I barely know yah. For all I know Gonzo could of had his puss filled pussy poker down there last night. Talk about sloppy seconds. So I'll ask yah again...and this will be the last time I ask.....Would you be so kind as to :got head: ??

... and Metal, my weekend starts in about 2 hrs.
IkeaBoy Wrote:
Quote:Vertically, just remember... cut vertically.
vertically!? Oh I'm such a tool!
along the artery, not across it.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Quote:Vertically, just remember... cut vertically.
vertically!? Oh I'm such a tool!
along the artery, not across it.
I actually wrote that down and keep it in my wallet for further reference
Coffee! Cup #2 [Image: coffee.gif]
Gatorade Frost. LOTS of it.
Water, lots and lots of it. I'm fucking hung over.
Iced tea
coffee, no milk, one sugar
Coffee, Columbian roast you ass fuckers, milk three sugars
Ginseng Iced Tea [Image: drink.gif]
LunaBabe Wrote:Ginseng Iced Tea [Image: drink.gif]
hey... me too.... Arizona Green Tea w/ Ginseng
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