Full Version: Ken is a scumbag! - I say we lynch the fucker
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Quote:Nice red x there ken.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
yuck it up....bitch.
Who has the rope and the pick-up truck??? I think Ken needs a good draggin
Personally I prefer Ken. At least he isn't a game/chat thread whore.
yeah, and he doesnt spam the board with his band's info
he also isn't someone who's a one trick pony who's only trick is call other people one trick ponys.

He's still a scumbag though.
too early for tongue-twisters there grump...come back in a few hours
Ken can cuddle cocks when cocks want to cuddle
ken swallows loads of semen when seamen cum in loads.
Metal masturbates meanlinglessly to maynards mule.
Metal and mormons mourn their miniature mules.
Grumpy gives grand genital grabs to gorillas.
Midgets enjoy munching on mounds of manure
Luna licks labia lusciously,
luna loves the little lillapuchuan of lalaland.
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