Quote:That broom is my only mode of transportation!
no worries. You won't be needing transportation for a while. You're not going anywhere anytime soon.....
::takes out spike 2x4::
::wacks ken in the back of neck and nails him in the spine paralyzing him::
::takes the broom handle out of lunas ass and stuffs it up kens::
::throws ken face first into the pool landing him face first into wilburs ass::
Now there's something you don't see often, a pig eating out pig.
HEY can someone jiggle the broom handle around for me...I'm almost there.
Quote:Keyser, Kid, and myself
I am heartbroken.
Well.....now we got rid of the dead weight anyway.
:Tries to figure out how Ladi got into the trunk:
Hey, you forgot this.
:Tosses Ladi the liquid latex:
::walks by dent and pushes him into ken::
::the broomhandle goes deeper into ken::
::dent gets excited and starts to strip naked and gives ken a reach around::
once again, the chum turns into a gay fuck fest......
where did the ladies go? we need boobies and tuna...
maybe their busy making glue for the pool?
Quote:once again, the chum turns into a gay fuck fest......
::notices it is all Grumpy's doing::
::notices Wilbur giving him furtive winks when he thinks no one is looking::
::Reaches around for the 2x4 at the bottom of the chum pool. Cracks Grumpy upside the head and locks him in the trunk.::
Fucking pain in the ass.
::Grabs Ladi and Luna and uses multi-color latex to paint them up. Then makes them roll around on the floor to create new latex art for the walls.::
There. Much nicer.
::jams a ckicken foot in Dent's eye::
::puts out bowl of maggots & fingers, poop soup, and hamster kabobs::