Quote:Annoying poster gimicks
Oh.. wait, no gimmick I'm just annoying... my mistake, nothing to see here.
Quote:Have some balls and start a fight
I already did. But they still won't fix the god damn scroll thing. So fuck it.
Wow, a thread about gimmicks without Slash being mentioned once, I guess I've done my job with him.
Another one is when Galt pretends to be OAAWITE. Everybody knows OAAWITE was betrayed and killed by Darth Vader.
gimmicks just get predictable...
And you're just acting...plus overdoing it really does get fucking annoying
but they make me laugh sometimes too
I'm undecided...
Some might be gimmicks, but for some people it's just their sense of humor. They post to make themselves laugh. (I know I do anyway.)

Quote:So, do I have a gimmick nowadays anymore?
My little change a few weeks ago was not a gimmick...
I truly am tired of people taking advantage of my good nature...
At the moment, I am not angry, but...
Some people get a little carried away when they are trying to find their true board selves...
Take that guy Ken's Pen for instance...
He changed his spots so many times in the last few weeks before his death, that I can't quite decide whether I miss him or not.
OAS constant posts about his sexual prowess.......
enough already.
:fuggin: Danked still hasn't posted here.
