Full Version: Cause i'm bored and need to up my post count. - 2nd to last post wins!!!
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Hi! :thumbs-up:
Confine your whoring to your own thread.
Nah... I like to whore myself out to all threads.
I don't see one of yours in the cell yet.
I don't count the cell or the tash.
I'd be impressed if you tried this on a weekday with 20 people logged in.

This is just sad.
I'm still bored, but this is at least a little bit entertaining.
You're slacking. I see lots of HyBriDs about.
Hybrid plays with his monkey too much.
Quote:May Teh Funney Be With You
So... What about it?
Just wanted to remind what you're supposed to be striving for.
It has been decided time and time again that I do not posess teh funny.
he's is most definitely not teh funney.
never said I was, probably never will be. I'm just (as Sluggo puts it) "an Ass but not the Ass"
So... this is it then?
yeah... this is about the extent of my "teh funny"
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